
来源 :Agricultural Science & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yughg
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[Objective] The research aimed to screen Streptomyces hygroscopicus strains with high production of agricultural antibiotics.[Method] A strain of S.hygroscopicus was screened from the soil of Hainan Island.After natural screening and consecutive ultraviolet induced mutation twice,S6-7 strain was obtained as the original strain then treated by UV irradiation and streptomycin resistance screening,and finally rescreened through shake-flask fermentation.[Result] 7 better strains were selected by primary screening from 62 single colonies which were picked out randomly.After 3 generations of consecutive cultivation on slant media and rescreening,5 strains presented obvious forward mutation.The forward mutation rate reached 8.06%,and the largest production increasing rate came up to 25.11%.[Conclusion] By combining streptomycin resistance screening and conventional ultraviolet induced mutation,both the antibiotic-producing capacity and forward mutation screening efficiency of the original strain were greatly enhanced. [Method] A strain of S. hygroscopicus was screened from the soil of Hainan Island. After natural screening and consecutive ultraviolet induced mutation twice, S6-7 strain was obtained as the original strain then treated by UV irradiation and streptomycin resistance screening, and finally rescreened through shake-flask fermentation. [Result] 7 better Selected for primary screening from 62 single colonies which were picked out randomly. After 3 generations of consecutive cultivation on slant media and rescreening, 5 次 presented obvious forward mutation. The forward mutation rate reached 8.06%, and the largest production increasing rate came up to 25.11%. [Conclusion] By combining streptomycin resistance screening and conventional ultraviolet induced mutation, both the antibiotic-producing capacity and forward mutation screening efficiency of the original str ain were greatly enhanced.
去年4月 ,浙江省委书记张德江在温州考察个私经济时发表了重要讲话 ,提出“要继续保持浙江个体私营经济快速、健康发展的态势 ,就必须在量的扩展上有新突破 ;要大力推进个体私
西部在东部人们的印象中往往意味着荒无人 烟,是贫穷的代名词。西部的企业给人的感觉 也近似于手工作坊:低矮、阴暗的厂房,陈旧、落后的设备,满身油污的操作工人。现实情况当然不
为了研究去整合素echistatin RGD(Arg-Gly-Asp)模体周边氨基酸突变后对其生物学功能的影响,根据echistatin序列设计合成6个片段,利用重叠延伸PCR法合成cDNA,使echistatin RGD