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雷竹是优良的笋用竹种,出笋早、笋期长、产量高、笋质优,若采用早出高产高效栽培技术,可大大提高竹林的经济效益。勤县洞桥乡裴岙村,地处半山区,20世纪90年代初开始引种雷竹,至今已有雷竹园30hm2。1994年冬,在科技人员指导下,农户汪如苗在自己467m2雷竹园内,率先试用雷竹笋早出高产高效栽培技术,出笋季节提早了2个多月,折合每667m2产雷笋1069kg,产值达14319元(笋价平均每千克13.44元);1995年通过增养新竹,加强肥培管理,改进覆盖增温技术,使出笋旺期时间提早到春节前8d,不但雷笋产量明显提高,每667m2产雷笋 Bamboo is a good bamboo shoots with bamboo shoots, bamboo shoots early, long shoots, high yield, shoots high quality, early use of high yield and efficient cultivation techniques, can greatly enhance the economic benefits of bamboo. Qinqiao Dongqiao Peizhe village, is located in the Mid-Levels area, the 20th century, the early 90s began to introduce thunder bamboo, has so far Leihu Park 30hm2.1994 winter, under the guidance of scientific and technological personnel, farmers Wangru Miao own 467m2 mine Chuk Yuen, the first trial of bamboo shoots early out of high yield and efficient cultivation techniques, bamboo shoots earlier than 2 months, equivalent to 1069kg per 667m2 yielding bamboo shoots, the output value of up to 14,319 yuan (bamboo shoots an average of 13.44 yuan per kilogram); in 1995 by increasing Raise new bamboo, strengthen fertilizer management, improve the coverage of warming technology, so that the exuberant shoot period to early 8d before the Spring Festival, not only significantly increased the yield of bamboo shoots, bamboo shoots per 667m2
Road salts are frequently used for deicing of roads in the Nordic countries.During snow-melt,the road run-off containing high concentrations of road salt and va