Three-dimensional MHD simulation for the solar wind structure observed by Ulysses

来源 :Chinese Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liyongrubylian
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Ulysses has been the first spacecraft to explore the high latitudinal regions of the heliosphere till now. During its first rapid pole-to-pole transit from September 1994 to June 1995, Ulysses observed a fast speed flow with magnitude reaching 700—800 km/s at high latitudinal region except 20°area near the ecliptic plane where the velocity is 300—400 km/s. The observations also showed a sudden jump of the velocity across the two regions. In this note, based on the characteristic and representative observations of the solar magnetic field and K-coronal polarized brightness, the large-scale solar wind structure mentioned above is reproduced by using a three-dimensional MHD model. The numerical results are basically consistent with those of Ulysses observations. Our results also show that the distributions of magnetic field and plasma number density on the solar source surface play an important role in governing this structure. Furthermore, the three-dimensional MHD model used here has a robust ability to simulate this kind of large-scale wind structure. Ulysses has been the first spacecraft to explore the high latitudinal regions of the heliosphere till now. During its first latitudinal pole-to-pole transit from September 1994 to June 1995, Ulysses observed a fast speed flow with magnitude reaching 700-800 km / s at high latitudinal region except 20 ° area near the ecliptic plane where the velocity is 300-400 km / s. In this note, based on the characteristic and representative observations of the solar magnetic field and K-coronal polarized brightness, the large-scale solar wind structure mentioned above is reproduced by using a three-dimensional MHD model. The numerical results are basically consistent with those of Ulysses observations. Our results also show that the distributions of the magnetic field and plasma number density on the solar source surface play an important role in governing this structure. Furthermore, the three-dimensional MHD model used here has a robust ability to simulate this kind of large-scale wind structure.
中央农业广播学校乌苏县农学基础班十一月五日正式开学,经过考试和考核择优录取235名学生分成六个教学班分别收听县广播站转播的课程,学制为两年。 The Central Agricultur
获得性免疫缺陷综合症(Acqired I-mmunodeficiency syndrome,简称AIDS)或称“爱滋病”,是近年新发现的一种疾病,其特征为细胞免疫缺陷,致使患者发生条件性感染和恶性肿瘤。