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第二次世界保卫和平大会决定召开的国际经济会议,经过代表世界各主要国家的筹备委员会将近半年的筹备,本月三日在莫斯科开幕了。这是一个广泛的国际性会议,在筹备期间,便获得了世界各国经济界人士和舆论界的热烈响应和支持。各国应邀参加这个会议的代表人数大大超过了原定数额,这更充分地表明世界各国人民对于这个会议的热烈拥护。莫斯科国际经济会议之所以受到世界各国人民的重视,是由于这个会议的任务,是要研究改进世界各国间的经济关系和提高人民生活水准的可能性。这个会议不问各国的政治制度和社会经济制度有什么不同,也不问各个代表的政治信仰有什么不同,只抱了一个目的,这就是努力在世界和平的条件下发展平等互利的国际贸易,恢复兴建立国际间正常的经济关系,以改善世界各国人民的经济生活状况。因此,这个会议不仅对于国际经济生活将有重大和深远的影响,而且有助于保卫世界的持久和平。 The international economic conference decided by the Second World Peace-Keeping Conference was opened in Moscow on the third of this month for preparations for nearly six months for the Preparatory Committee representing the major countries in the world. This is a broad-based international conference. During preparations, it has received warm response and support from the economic circles and media in various countries in the world. The fact that the number of delegates invited to participate in this conference greatly exceeds the original quotas shows more fully the warm support of the people of all countries in the world for this conference. The reason why Moscow’s international economic conference is valued by the people of all countries in the world is that the task of this conference is to study the possibility of improving the economic relations among all countries in the world and raising the standard of living of the people. This conference does not ask whether there is any difference between the political systems of all countries and the socio-economic systems, nor does it make any difference in the political beliefs of individual representatives with only one purpose. This is an effort to develop equality and mutual benefit in international trade under the conditions of world peace. Restore the establishment of an internationally normal economic relationship so as to improve the economic living conditions of the people of all countries in the world. Therefore, this conference will not only have a profound and far-reaching impact on the international economic life, but also contribute to safeguarding a lasting peace in the world.