或问:中队在小组赛中的最大战果是什么?其实这不用回答,以未败的战绩夺得小组出线权,这是最现实也是最重要的战果。现在,中国队终于有机会去十月份的亚洲“十强赛”上搏一次了,结局如何殊难预料,但至少大家都还有了一种期盼。 除此之外,中国队在小组赛上还有什么收获呢?笔者以为,至少还有三点可以称之为“战果”,那就是——气已聚、神将定、心不散。这三点收获,虽不如小组出线那样实实在在,但对中国足球而言,却是治愈以往诸多痼疾的一种良好开端。
Or Q: Squadron in the group stage, what is the biggest result? In fact, this does not have to answer, won the group’s unbeaten record qualify, this is the most realistic and most important result. Now, the Chinese team finally had a chance to go to Asia in October, “Top Ten” on a stroke, how difficult to predict the outcome, but at least we all have a look forward to. In addition, the Chinese team in the group stage, what is the harvest? I think, there are at least three things that can be called “victory”, that is - the gas has been gathered, God will be determined, heartless. These three gains, though not as real as the group qualify, but for Chinese football, it is to cure a lot of chronic illness in the past a good start.