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近年,随着素质教育的推进、语文新课程标准的颁布,不少小学语文教师都在谈论“建设高效课堂,提升教学品质”这一话题,并围绕这一亮点话题进行不懈的课堂教学探索。笔者认为,要建设高效课堂,提升语文教学的品质,这就需要教师以自己的知识和力量为学生打造智慧课堂,在课堂上实现学与教的双丰收。一、小学作文课堂教学低效现状的思考当前,语文习作教学中由于没有体现学生的主体地位,教师对学生的情感不够重视。由于仅仅限于依据教材,作文教学脱离 In recent years, with the advancing of quality education and the promulgation of new curriculum standards for Chinese language, many primary school language teachers are talking about the topic of “building efficient classrooms and improving teaching quality”, and make unrelenting teaching around this bright topic explore. I believe that to build efficient classrooms and improve the quality of Chinese teaching, teachers need to use their own knowledge and strength to create a smart classroom for students in the classroom to achieve double harvest of learning and teaching. First, the primary school composition of classroom teaching ineffective thinking At present, the Chinese writing because teaching did not reflect the dominant position of the students, teachers, students do not pay enough attention to the emotion. As only limited to textbooks, writing teaching detached
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