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俗语,作为一种口头流传的、形象的、定型的语句,是社会生活的反映。恰当地运用俗语,会使课堂教学获得较好的效果。例如,我在讲具体事物总是有限的时,引用了《红楼梦》中的俗语“千里搭起的长棚,没有个不散的筵席”;在讲青年学生成才须加强道德修养时,引用了“玉不琢,不成器”;在讲加强纪律性时,引用了“没有规矩不成方圆”;在讲资本主义的腐朽性、垂死性,引用了“兔子尾巴很长不了”、“朽木不可雕也”;在讲小农经济的特点时,引用了“万事农为本”;在讲发展农村商品经济时,引用了“无农不稳,无商不活,无才(人才)不兴,无科技不富”的带有经验性的俗语;在讲个别干部以权谋私的不正之风时,引用了“近水楼台先得月”,等等。深受同学们欢迎。为什么会收到如此好的效果呢?这主要是由于俗语的特点所决定的。俗语,不仅形式 As a saying, it is a reflection of social life as an oral, image, and stereotyped sentence. Proper use of colloquial language will make classroom teaching better. For example, when I say that specific things are always limited, I quoted the saying “a long shed erected in a thousand miles, there was no unrelenting banquet” in the “Dream of Red Mansions”; when speaking about the young students’ need to strengthen their moral cultivation, they quoted “Jade is not a good person, not a device”; when it comes to strengthening discipline, it quotes “No rules are not available”; when it comes to corruption and dying of capitalism, it is quoted as “The rabbit’s tail is very long,” and “The dead wood cannot be carved. “When talking about the characteristics of the small-scale farming economy, it quoted the ”everything-based agriculture“; when it comes to the development of the rural commodity economy, it quoted ”no agriculture instability, no business, no talent (talent), no technology, no technology.“ ”Wealth is not rich“ is an empirical idiom. When we talk about individual cadres using unscrupulous practices in the use of power for personal gains, we quote the ”returning from the water, building the platform, getting the moon," and so on. Very popular among students. Why do you receive such good results? This is mainly determined by the characteristics of the sayings. Slang, not only form
<正> 为了配合我校初三年级学生更好地学习《法律常识》这门课程,使感性认识与法律理论知识相结合,为学习“违法”与“犯罪俩课创造条件,我们与区人民法院联系,请他们到我校
<正> 因此,垂径定理提供了证明两条线段和两条弧相等的依据.其中两条弧相等,可转化为所对的圆心角(或圆周角)相等,又间接地提供了证明两个角相等的依据.另外,如图1所示,连结O
<正> “真理是客观的”是辩证唯物主义认识论的基本观点之一,是坚持物质第一性,意识第二性,物质决定意识的唯物主义前提得出的必然结论。”真理是客观的”的观点在整个辩证唯
<正> 改变课堂教学结构,摸索培养学生能力的教学方法系列,是政治课教学改革的重大课题。课堂教学是教学的基本形式。课堂教学结构,是教师、信息、学生三要素在课堂教学活动中