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选取了南岭东段骑田岭、银坑、盘古山、九龙脑等几个较为典型的矿(集)区,对区内不同类型的岩浆岩进行了样品的采集,开展了密度、视极化率、视电阻率、磁化率、声波速度等物性参数测定,对测定结果进行了统计、分析和研究。绘制了岩浆岩物性参数变化规律直方图,对比分析了不同类型矿(集)区岩浆岩各种物性参数的差异,同时利用交会图分析技术对几个矿集区岩浆岩的密度与电阻率、密度与声波速度、电阻率与声波速度参数之间的相关性进行了分析与讨论。论文总结了南岭东段典型矿区岩浆岩物性参数特征:低密度,密度数值变化范围为2.5~2.6g/cm3;中弱磁性,磁化率数值变化范围一般为(2~500)×4π×10-6SI(个别磁性岩体如银坑高山角岩体除外);低极化率,视极化率数值变化范围为0.5%~2%;中高电阻率,视电阻率数值变化范围为2 000~3 500Ω·m;中低速度,横波速度的数值变化范围为2 300~3 000m/s,纵波速度的数值变化范围为3 500~4 500m/s。总体上看,南岭东段岩浆岩物性特征可归纳总结为低密度、中弱磁性、低极化、中高阻和中低速度特征。 Selected several typical ore-bearing areas such as Qitianling, Yinkeng, Pangushan and Jiulongna in the eastern section of Nanling, and collected samples from different types of magmatic rocks in the area. The density, Rate, apparent resistivity, magnetic susceptibility, acoustic velocity and other physical parameters were measured, the results of the measurement were analyzed, analyzed and studied. The histogram of physical parameters of magmatic rocks was plotted, and the differences of various physical parameters of magmatic rocks in different types of ore-aggregates were compared. At the same time, the cross-plot analysis technique was used to analyze the density and resistivity of magmatic rocks in several ore- The correlation between density and acoustic velocity, resistivity and acoustic velocity parameters were analyzed and discussed. The paper summarizes the physical parameters of the magmatic rocks in the typical mining area of ​​the eastern part of Nanling: the values ​​of low density and density range from 2.5 to 2.6 g / cm3; the values ​​of the moderately weak magnetic properties and the susceptibility ranges from (2 to 500) × 4π × 10 -6SI (except for individual magnetic rock mass such as Yankeng high mountain angle rock mass); the values ​​of low polarizability and apparent polarizability range from 0.5% to 2%; medium to high resistivity and apparent resistivity range from 2000 ~ 3 500 Ω · m. For medium and low velocities, the values ​​of shear wave velocity ranged from 2 300 to 3 000 m / s and the longitudinal wave velocities varied from 3 500 to 4 500 m / s. Generally speaking, the physical characteristics of the magmatic rocks in the eastern section of Nanling can be summed up as low-density, medium-weak magnetic, low-polarization, medium-high-resistance and medium-low-speed features.
一、特征特性 1.长势特旺,根系发达,茎粗壮,并呈深红色,叶片肥大、浓绿。栽种当年若管理良好,主茎粗可达到2厘米(直径),高3-4米。 2.抗病性极强,对黑痘病、霜霉病、白粉病等
摘要:语文学科是一门人文应用学科,是语言工具训练与人文教育的结合,两者在语文教学中同等重要,不可以机械割裂开来。两者应该有机结合,使之相得益彰。但近年来语文学科的“工具性”与“人文性”也颇有争议,“人文性”日渐崛起,“工具性”日渐沉寂。因此,本文就替“工具性”寻找正确地位,以及浅谈“大语文教育”的灵魂。  关键词:工具性;人文性;语文大语文  “教学不仅仅是一种告诉,更多的是学生的一种体验、探究和
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