
来源 :高原医学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sunhuai
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目的 :采用神经心理测验方法探讨验证维康片对高原移居者大脑记忆功能和肢体运动能力的改善作用。方法 :选择移居海拔 370 0m 6个月的 4 0名健康青年 ,随机分为甲、乙二组 ,各组2 0人 ,甲组 (服药组 )口服高原维康片 ,乙组 (对照组 )口服炒面胶囊 ,两组均在服药前后及运动前后采用DDX - 2 0 0型电脑多项心理生理测试仪检测服药前运动前 (A)、服药前运动后 (B) ,服药 1 0d运动前 (C) ,服药 1 0d运动后 (D) ,停药 1 0d运动前 (E) ,停药 1 0d运动后 (F)的左右手敲击动作频率和数字记忆广度倒背数六个阶段的二项测验。应用EGM型自行车进行负荷运动 [负荷指标 :W 2 5 0P(1 75~ 1 80 )次 /分 ]。进行甲、乙两组六个阶段的测验结果对比。结果 :左右手交叉敲击动作频率测验 ,甲组服药 1 0d运动前、后及停药 1 0d运动前较乙组同阶段测验结果比较 ,错误次数显著减少 (P <0 .0 1 ) ,甲组自身比较 ,服药 1 0d运动前后及停药 1 0d运动前 ,较服药前运动前、后 ,错误次数显著减少 (P <0 .0 1 )。数字记忆广度倒背数测验 ,甲组服药 1 0d运动前、后及停药 1 0d运动前、后 ,自身比较及与乙组同阶段比较得分数显著增高 (P <0 .0 1 )。结论 :口服高原维康片能显著提高和善高原移居者记忆功能与肢体运动能力 ,停药 1 0d后运? OBJECTIVE: To explore the neuropsychological test to verify the improvement effect of weikang tablet on the memory function and limb movement ability in the plateau migrants. Methods: Forty healthy young people who migrated 370 m above sea level for 6 months were randomly divided into two groups: group A and group B (20 in each group), group A (taking medicine group) Before and after taking the drug, the rats in both groups were taken before and after taking the medicine and before and after taking the medicine (DDX - 200) to detect the symptoms before exercise (A), before exercise (B), before exercise (D), 10 days before drug withdrawal (E), 10 days after drug withdrawal (F), and two items in six stages of inverted digit of digital memory test. Application of EGM type bicycle load movement [load indicator: W 2 5 0P (1 75 ~ 1 80) times / min]. A, B two groups of six test results comparison. Results: The left and right hand cross-stroke frequency test, Group A medication before and after exercise 10d before exercise and withdrawal 10d before exercise compared with the same group B test results, the number of errors significantly reduced (P <0. 01), Group A Compared with before exercise and before exercise 10d before exercise and before exercise 10d before exercise, the number of errors was significantly decreased (P <0.01) before and after exercise. Digital memory breadth-back test, Group A medication before and after exercise 10d before and after withdrawal 10d before and after exercise, compared with their own and compared with the B group was significantly higher scores (P <0.01). Conclusion: Oral platelet Viktor Tablets can significantly improve the memory function and limb movement capacity of good plateau migrants.
(接上期)  二、刻:  占代使用漏壶计时。最初,人们发现陶器中的水会从裂缝中一滴一滴地漏出来,于是专门制造出一种留有小孔的漏壶,把水注入漏壶内,水便从壶孔中流出来,另外再用一个容器收集漏下来的水,在这个容器内有一根刻有标记的箭杆,用一块竹片或木块托着箭杆浮在水面上,容器盖的中心开一个小孔,箭杆从盖孔中穿出,这个容器叫做“箭壶”。随着箭壶内收集的水逐渐增多.木块托着箭杆也慢慢地向上浮,古人从盖孔处
“新经济”是美国《商业周刊》一九九六年十二月三十日一期发表的一组文章中提出的一个概念。实际上就是低通胀、高就业和高增长的经济 ,其核心是信息技术和网络化。新经济概
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