盛世和谐 以心相通——苏州宗教界参与构建和谐社会的探索与实践

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去年11月,一场名为“盛世和谐,以心相通”的宗教论坛在江苏省苏州市隆重举行。与会的宗教界人士和专家学者,围绕宗教界如何在构建和谐社会中发挥积极作用这一主题,建言立论,互动交流,弘扬和谐理念,彰显先哲精神,取得了积极的成效。尤为令人关注的是,出席论坛的苏州市五大宗教的有关负责人,围绕“宗教和睦、社会和谐、从心开始”的论题先后作了演讲,不仅阐明了宗教界参与构建和谐社会的理论依据,也介绍了苏州各宗教团体参与构建和谐社会的实践探索,使人深受启发。本次论坛由苏州市委统战部、市民族宗教事务局、市政协民族宗教委员会联合举办,得到了全国政协、国家宗教局以及江苏省、苏州市党政领导的高度重视和支持。全国政协副主席阿不来提·阿不都热西提,全国政协民宗委副主任黄璜,国家宗教事务局副局长齐晓飞,江苏省委副书记张连珍,江苏省委常委、苏州市委书记王荣,江苏省政协副主席武继烈,江苏省宗教局局长王军等有关领导出席了论坛。宗教界如何参与和谐社会的构建,是一个重大的理论和实践课题,苏州市举办本次论坛,可以说树立了一个典型的范例。我们希望这种融理论探讨与实践交流于一体的论坛能够更多地涌现出来,以更好地团结和动员宗教界和广大信教群众积极投入到促进经济社会发展、构建和谐社会的进程中来。我们将对此予以持续的跟进和关注。 Last November, a religious forum titled “Spiritual Harmony and Heart Communication” was held in Suzhou, Jiangsu Province. The religious figures and experts and scholars attending the conference made suggestions on the theme of how the religious circles play an active role in building a harmonious society, advocated the concept of harmony, demonstrated the philosophical spirit of the philosopher and achieved positive results. What is of particular concern is that the responsible persons of the five major religions in Suzhou City who attended the forum made speeches on the topic of “religious harmony, social harmony and starting from the heart”, which not only clarified the participation of the religious circles in building a harmonious society Theoretical basis, but also introduced the various religious groups in Suzhou to participate in the practice of building a harmonious society explore, inspiring people. The forum was jointly organized by the United Front Work Department of Suzhou Municipality, the Municipal Bureau of Religious Affairs, and the Municipal Political Consultative Committee of Ethnic Communities. It was given great attention and support by the CPPCC National Committee, the State Religious Affairs Bureau and the party and government leaders in Jiangsu Province and Suzhou City. CPPCC National Committee Vice Chairman Abdulit Ahudat Seti, CPPCC National Committee vice minister Huang Huang, deputy director of State Religious Affairs Qi Xiaofei, Jiangsu Provincial Committee Zhang Lianzhen, Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee, Suzhou Municipal Party Committee Secretary Wang Rong, Vice Chairman Wu Jilie of CPPCC Jiangsu Province, Wang Jun, Director of Religious Administration of Jiangsu Province, and other relevant leaders attended the forum. How the religious circles participate in the construction of a harmonious society is a major theoretical and practical issue. To organize this forum in Suzhou City can be said to set a typical example. We hope that this forum of discussion and practice of financial theory will emerge more in order to better unite and mobilize the religious community and the masses of religious believers to devote themselves actively to the process of promoting economic and social development and building a harmonious society. We will continue to follow up and concern about this.
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