经费保障 内涵提升 规范办学 寻求突破:普通高中发展亟待解决三大问题

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普通高中的经费难题难以破解,“高中多样化发展”进展缓慢和“超级中学”现象难以消除,这三大问题直接影响和制约普通高中的健康发展。建议不断加大财政投入,适度调整学费标准,按照“防控新债、锁定旧债、分清责任、分类处理”的原则,妥善化解普通高中债务;把握人才培养模式改革这一核心,不断深化课程改革、培养方式改革和考试招生制度改革,进一步深化办学体制改革,加强学校特色建设,推动普通高中多样化发展;进一步深化评价制度和考试招生制度改革,从根本上扭转唯考试成绩、唯升学率的考试评价方式,明确办学标准,规范招生行为,强化收费监督,不断加大“超级中学”治理力度。 The funding difficulties of ordinary high schools are hard to be solved. The gradual progress of high school diversification and the phenomenon of “super middle schools” are difficult to eliminate. These three major problems directly affect and restrict the healthy development of ordinary senior high schools. It is suggested that the government should continue to increase its financial input and adjust tuition fees appropriately so as to properly resolve the debt of senior high schools in accordance with the principle of “preventing and controlling new debts, locking down old debts, clarifying responsibilities and classifying treatment”, and grasping the core of reform in personnel training mode We will deepen the reform of the curriculum, the reform of the training methods and the reform of the examination admissions system, further deepen the reform of the school system, strengthen the construction of schools and promote the diversification of ordinary senior high schools. We will further deepen the reform of the evaluation system and examination admissions system, Entrance rate of the test evaluation methods, a clear school standards, regulate enrollment behavior, strengthen fee supervision, and constantly increase “super middle school ” management efforts.
安全工作只有起点,没有终点,抓好安全工作要全员参与,构筑全方位多角度的安全监控网络,不留死角,学校安全工作采取明暗两条线双管齐下,有效解决安全工作中的漏洞。 There is
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成本最优化的测定 (62)某厂(矿)生产某种产品,日产量为1,000单位时,单位成本为14元,其中单位变动成本8元。据实际测定:产量每增加10%,单位变动成本上升5%,固定费用总额不受产
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乡镇企业的固定资产中,有相当一部分是从国营企业或其他单位购入的旧设备,对这类固定资产该如何计价入帐呢? 按《农村人民公社社办企业财务管理办法(试行草案)的规定是“按