
来源 :农村青少年科学探究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chaoschaos
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地热能相比其他新能源好像低调很多。人类早就将眼光放到了宇宙,却忽略了自己脚下的大地也有着巨大的能量。虽然人类很早以前就开始利用地热能,如利用温泉沐浴、医疗,利用地下热水取暖、建造农作物温室、水产养殖及烘干谷物等。直到20世纪中叶,人们才开始真正认识地热资源。人们发现地球内部很深处具有非常高的温度,这样巨大的热能,通过大地的热传导、火山喷发、地震、深层水循环、温泉等途径不断地向地表散发。 Geothermal energy seems a lot lower than other new energy sources. Mankind has long set its sights on the universe, ignoring the great energy of the earth under his own feet. Although humans have been using geothermal energy long ago, such as hot spring bathing, medical treatment, the use of underground hot water to heat their homes, the construction of greenhouse crops, aquaculture and drying of cereals. It was not until the mid-20th century that people began to really understand geothermal resources. People find that there is a very high temperature inside the earth, so that huge heat energy is continually released to the earth through heat conduction through earth, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, deep water circulation and hot springs.
科学技术从来没有像今天这样深刻影响着国家前途命运,  也从来没有像今天这样深刻影响着人民生活福祉。  移動支付、共享单车、智慧物流……  这些年来,我国科技工作者不忘初心、牢记使命,用脚踏实地的行动,  为解决人类问题贡献中国智慧、提供中国方案。
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第 1期利用单倍体育种技术快速培育糯性小麦新品系王子宁等 (1)……………………………………………………试用特殊配合力进行玉米种质分类王永普等 (7)…………………………
对5L-40/8-Ⅰ型空压机一、二级排气温度高等问题分析,提出了冷却器及气缸盖的改造方案。 On the 5L-40/8-Ⅰ air compressor one, two high temperature exhaust analysis,
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一辆02款广州本田奥德赛车,累计行驶了8万km,发动机出现怠速不稳,转速在620 r/min-790 r/min游车的现象,已因此在其他修理厂更换过点火系统相关元件。首先用HDS诊断仪土生行