琴童的向往 社会的需求——青少年业余乐团组织与建设刍议

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本刊今年第8期曾发表了当时身为中央音乐学院附中学生袁泉的文章《一个学音乐的中学生的真实想法——和学弟、学妹说体会》(见8期P32),文中他以自己的切身体会告诉学弟学妹们,作为一个学习器乐的学生,从小能够有机会参加乐队训练是多么的重要。现在袁泉已经凭借他优异的成绩和突出的音乐才能,为自己争得了全额奖学金,远赴德国留学深造。文章发表后,本刊陆续接到过一些反馈电话和信函。他们大多数都对袁泉表示羡慕和佩服,也诉说了他们各自的苦衷。有的琴童说他很郁闷,总没有进乐队的机会;有的说家长只让他自己练琴,不支持他参加乐队训练,认为那是浪费时间;还有的说我们那里从来就没有过学生乐队,老师认为乐队训练费力不讨好;也有的老师多年来一直坚持组办学生乐队,但总困难重重,领导不支持,家长不理解,学生不积极。他既要拉赞助,又要找场地,还要说服家长;动员学生,声部不齐,谱子难寻等等都要自己解决。也有的家长说,十分想让孩子参加乐队,可他们那里从来就没有等等。我们听到的多数是困难和苦衷。但大家却都表达了同一个心愿:希望有更多的习琴的孩子可以在乐队中得到锻炼和学习的机会。因此,为什么要组建业余学生乐团?怎样才能组建好一个学生乐团?学生乐团如何才能生存与发展?就成为大家所关心的问题。蒋雄达先生作为一名专业的音乐工作者,多年来一直致力于业余音乐的教育和普及工作。由他亲自创建的北京少年室内乐团和北京太阳青少年乐团,15年来在没有官方投资和财团资助的情况下,凭着艰苦创业的精神和科学管理的方法,不断成长发展。他不仅在培训青少年乐团方面取得了显著成绩,也培养了大批人才,积累了丰富的经验。如今他们的乐团不仅成为京城听众喜爱的和琴童向往的乐团之一,同时他们还面向全国广泛交流,并应邀走出国门为国争荣。为此,本刊邀请蒋老师亲传感受,以引发各地热切希望组建青少年乐队的老师们及渴望参加学生乐团的学生和家长们的关注,共同为千万音乐少年开创更多更好的,受欢迎的音乐园地而努力。——编者 The eighth issue of this year’s magazine published the article entitled “A True Idea of ​​Secondary School Students Studying Music - Experience with Xuexue and Xuemei Sisters” (Article 8 P32) Their own personal experience to tell their younger brother schoolmates, as a learning instrumental music students, from an early age to have the opportunity to participate in band training is very important. Yuan Quan now has won a full scholarship for himself by virtue of his outstanding performance and outstanding musical talent, went to study abroad in Germany. After the article was published, we have received some feedback calls and letters. Most of them expressed their admiration and admiration for Yuan Quan and also told of their respective difficulties. Some of the musicians said he was depressed and never had the chance to enter the band. Some said that parents only let him practice the piano and did not support him in the band training, thinking it was a waste of time. Others said that we had never had Students orchestras think the orchestra training effortlessly; some teachers insist on organizing student bands over the years, but the total difficulties, the leadership does not support, parents do not understand, the students are not active. He has to pull the sponsor, but also to find venues, but also convince parents; mobilize students, parts are missing, spectrum is difficult to find, etc. must be resolved. Some parents also said that they really want children to join the band, but they have never been there. Most of what we hear is difficult and painstaking. However, everyone expressed the same wish: hope more children playing violin can be in the band get exercise and learning opportunities. Therefore, why should we form an amateur student orchestra? How can we form a student orchestra? How can a student orchestra survive and develop? It becomes a matter of concern to everyone. As a professional musician, Mr. Jiang Xiongda has been devoted to the education and popularization of amateur music for many years. The Beijing Youth Chamber Orchestra and the Beijing Sun Youth Orchestra, which was personally founded by him, have continuously grown in development over the past 15 years with the spirit of arduous pioneering and scientific management without any official investment or financial support from the consortium. He not only made remarkable achievements in training young orchestra, but also trained a large number of talents and accumulated rich experience. Nowadays, their orchestra not only becomes one of the major orchestras loved by the Beijing audience, but also faces extensive exchanges across the country and is invited to go abroad for glory. To this end, the magazine invited Professor Chiang pro-affection, in order to arouse the eagerly hope that the formation of young band teachers and students eager to participate in student bands and parents concerned about the joint tens of millions of music to jointly create more and better, welcome Music field and work hard. --editor
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当一个人最悲观的时候,我们应该鼓舞他的精神,给他以力量,使他能够战胜困难,继续前进。 ——哈特·沃里尔·丘瑟 “斯克莱特先生,那是真的吗?或者只是因为他们听起来比较容
男人与情敌面对面,必一“死”一伤,“死”的那个会死心塌地黯然离去, 伤的那个会抬着骄傲的头颅看着对手渺小的背影不屑地说:小样儿,敢跟我争…… 男性情敌之间的战争具有及