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12月6日,南方电网公司董事长、党组书记赵建国在昆明拜会了云南省委书记秦光荣、省长李纪恒,双方就电力供应、电网建设以及进一步加强双方合作等进行了会谈。秦光荣代表云南省委省政府对赵建国一行表示热烈欢迎,他说,云南经济社会的快速发展离不开电力的支持,感谢南方电网公司一直以来的大力支持。今年,南方电网公司充分发挥大平台、大调度作用,在消纳云南富余水电方面采取了很多卓有成效的办法,基本避免了弃水问题,同时云电送粤有望突破600亿千瓦时。他表示,云南省委省政府将全力支持南方电网公司工作,希望南方电网公司一如既往地做好电力供应,助力云南经济社会快速发展。李纪恒指出,南方电网公司对云南贡献大、拉动大,未来云南发展的前景大,困难也大,希望南方电网公司继续做好电力供应、电网建设等方面的工作,继续保持良好的社会形象。 On December 6, Chairman and Party Secretary Zhao Jianguo, chairman of China Southern Power Grid Company, met with Yunnan Provincial Party Committee Secretary Qin Guangrong and Governor Li Jicheng in Kunming and both sides held talks on power supply, power grid construction and further cooperation between the two sides. Qin Guangrong, on behalf of Yunnan Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government, extended a warm welcome to Zhao Jianguo and his entourage. He said that the rapid economic and social development in Yunnan can not be separated from the support of electricity and thanked the Southern Power Grid Company for its strong support all along. This year, China Southern Power Grid Corporation to give full play to large platforms, the role of major scheduling, in Yunnan surplus water and electricity to take a lot of fruitful approach to basically avoid the problem of abandoning water, cloud delivery to Guangdong is expected to exceed 60 billion kwh. He said Yunnan Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government will fully support the work of China Southern Power Grid Company and hope that China Southern Power Grid Corporation will do a good job in supplying power as always to help the rapid economic and social development of Yunnan. Li Jiheng pointed out that China Southern Power Grid Company contributed greatly to Yunnan and greatly boosted the prospect of Yunnan’s development in the future. It is also a great difficulty and hopes that CSG will continue to do a good job in power supply and power grid construction and maintain a good social image.
增强高校师生员工的消防安全意识,使广大师生员工自发、自觉地做好防火工作,才能确保高校的稳定与发展。 Enhance the awareness of fire safety staff and workers of coll