谁充当了黑恶势力的“保护伞” ——浙江省温岭市部分党员干部卷入黑社会性质犯罪团伙的警示

来源 :党员干部之友 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gj1019
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2000年12月18日至25日,浙江省一起建国以来罕见的黑社会性质的犯罪团伙案件一审在宁波开庭。人们在对以张畏等为首的黑社会性质犯罪团伙的罪行感到愤慨之余。又对温岭市部分党政干部为这个团伙所提供的巨大“帮助”和大开绿灯的所作所为深感震惊。这个团伙为了骗取巨额财政资金和银行贷款,并寻求“保护伞”,采取种种手段,大肆拉拢党政机关、司法机关和金融机构的党员干部,行贿金额达千万元之巨,被他们拉下“黑泥沼”的党政干部有67人之多,他们中有温岭市委原副书记、市长周建国(一审已被判处无期徒刑),温岭市委原常委、公安局局长杨卫中(一审已被判处有期徒刑14年)等17名处级干部、22名科级干部,这些党政干部对黑社会组织的发展壮大可谓“功不可没”,他们的堕落轨迹及其所产生的严重后果令人深思。 From December 18 to December 25, 2000, the first triad criminal gangs belonging to criminals since the founding of the People’s Republic of China in Zhejiang Province were held in Ningbo for the first time. People are indignant over the crimes of triad criminal gangs headed by Zhang Wei and others. They were also deeply shocked by the tremendous “help” and the deeds of a green light provided by some party and government cadres in Wenling City. In order to cheat huge amounts of financial funds and bank loans and seek “an umbrella,” this group has taken all means to drastically bring party members and cadres in party and government organs, judicial organs and financial institutions up to a maximum of 10 million yuan in bribes, There are as many as 67 party and government cadres in the “Black Mudflats”. Among them, Wen Weinan, former deputy secretary and mayor Zhou Jianguo (the first trial has been sentenced to life imprisonment), Yang Weizhong (formerly Wenling Municipal Committee and Public Security Bureau) (first instance has been sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment 14 years) and other 17 departmental cadres and 22 department-level cadres. These party and government cadres can be described as "contributing to the development and expansion of triad organizations. Their degenerate tracks and the serious consequences they cause are thought-provoking.
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房贷险目前需要解决三大问题:违背自愿原则的强制保险、变相重复保险、保费水分太多。 Mortgages currently need to address three major issues: compulsory insurance co
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