为了配合宝钢一期工程的投产,线材的坯料截面由原来的70×70改为100×100,上钢二厂于1985年对轧一线材车间进行了技术改造。 改造方案中,要在原初轧部分增设四架400二重式轧机组成2/400×2连轧机组。主传动配置形式为:电动机——主减速机——齿轮座——轧机,要求一台主减速机能驱动两架不同转速的轧机。按一般设计规范,总传动比大于15时,应分初级、次级两台减速机来设计制造,机组的布置形式如图1:
In order to meet the Baosteel a project put into operation, wire billet cross-section from the original 70 × 70 to 100 × 100, the second steel mill in 1985 rolled a wire workshop for technical transformation. In the transformation plan, four 400 double mill units shall be added to the initial rolling section to form 2/400 × 2 continuous rolling mill units. The main drive configuration in the form of: motor - the main reducer - gear seat - mill, requiring a main reducer can drive two different speeds of the rolling mill. According to the general design specifications, the total transmission ratio is greater than 15, should be divided into primary and secondary reducer to design and manufacture of two, unit layout in the form of Figure 1: