尊重历史 正视现实 正确处理好大小电关系

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一、小电的发展对当地社会进步、经济发展作出了历史贡献 建国前,思茅地区电力工业一无所有。建国以来,电力工业随着地区工业的发展而发展,1954年地区地直机关第一台48十瓦的小火电投产,填补了地区无电的空白;60年代初开始兴建小水电站,思茅电力工业正式起步;70年代是思茅小水电建设的高潮,全区10个具都建有装机容量超过500千瓦的小型水电站;80年代随着全区经济的发展,电力工业发展有了质的提高,一些具有调节水库的骨干电站的建设,特别是景谷河5670万立方米库容的响水大坝及配装四级装机容量为21766千瓦的梯级电站的建成和思茅中心电网的建设,对思茅地区工业的发展起到了关键性的推动作用。到“八五”末期的 I. The development of small electricity has made historical contributions to local social progress and economic development Before the founding of the PRC, the electricity industry in Simao District had nothing. Since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, the power industry has developed along with the development of regional industries. In 1954, the first 48-watt small thermal power plant was put into operation to fill the gap in the area without electricity; in the early 60s, the construction of small hydropower stations and Simao Power Industry started. Officially started; the 1970s was the climax of Simao’s small hydropower construction. Ten of the region had built small hydropower plants with an installed capacity of more than 500 kilowatts; in the 1980s, with the economic development of the entire region, the development of the power industry was qualitatively improved. The construction of backbone hydropower stations with reservoir regulation, in particular the Xianggu River’s 57,700,000m3 reservoir capacity, Xiangshui Dam, and the construction of a four-stage cascade hydropower station with a capacity of 21,766 kilowatts and the construction of the Simao Center Grid, for the industry in Simao Development has played a key role in promoting. To the end of the Eighth Five-Year Plan
一、企业发展需要技术改造 1.科学技术是生产发展的主要驱动力 当今世界,科学技术日益渗透于经济发展和社会发展各个领域,已成为推动现代社会进步的决定性力量。现代科学技