学习精益生产方式 推动新疆工业企业管理思想变革

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1995年6月,全国机械工业企业管理工作会议在长春召开以后,“精益生产”这一曾对大多数人还陌生的新词吸引了越来越多的科技工作者和管理人员,中央电视台和全国几家大的报刊也分别对“精益生产方式”作了报道.前不久,我有幸和企业四位同志被派到长春参加机械部在中国第一汽车集团公司举办的“首届精益生产方式”研讨班,得以有机会深入第一汽车制造厂七个分厂进行实地考察,井与厂部从事企业管理的专家、实际工作者进行交谈,对一汽推广精益生产方式运作及理论和方法获益匪浅.一汽为了适应外部环境的巨变和市场需求的多样化,自70年代末,组成专家组,系统学习日本汽车工业的先进管理经验.1990年厂结合学习《改变世界的机器》一书的理论,推广应用了上百个现代管理项目,取得了一定的成效.接着,从管理思想、管理组织、管理制度、管理标准、管理方法、管理手段乃至管理行为上进行全面系统的变革.一汽的精益思想,很值得我区工业企业学习和借鉴,它对推动我区企业管理现代化会起重大的作用. In June 1995, after the National Machinery Industry Enterprise Management Conference was held in Changchun, “Lean Production”, a new word that was unfamiliar to most people, attracted more and more scientific and technological workers and managers. Several major newspapers and magazines across the country also reported on “lean manufacturing methods.” Not long ago, I was fortunate to have four comrades from the company sent to Changchun to participate in the “first lean production method” held by the Ministry of Machinery at China FAW Group Corporation. The seminars provided an opportunity to conduct in-depth visits to seven plants of the First Automobile Manufacturing Plant. The wells talked with experts and practical workers in the plant management department to benefit from the operation of the lean production method and the theory and methods of FAW promotion. Shallow. In order to adapt to the great changes in the external environment and the diversification of market demands, FAW has formed an expert group to systematically study the advanced management experience of the Japanese auto industry since the late 1970s. In 1990, the company combined the theory of studying the book “The Machine of the Change of the World”. , The promotion and application of hundreds of modern management projects have achieved certain results. Then, from management thoughts, management organizations, management systems, management standards, Changes in management methods, management methods, and even management behaviors. The lean thinking of FAW is very worthwhile for industrial enterprises in our region to learn from and learn from, and it will play a significant role in promoting the modernization of enterprise management in our region.
本文就我省建设丙烯酸及酯类生产装置的市场、建设方案、投资和效益估算、以及下游产品的加工设想等进行了讨论。 This article discusses the market, construction plan,
引滦工程是建国以后兴建的大型跨流域调水工程,其工程效益和对地区经济发生的影响,即是水利基础产业发挥重大作用的很好例证。 一、引滦工程基本概况。 引滦工程是开发滦河