重视语感培养 提高阅读能力

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语感,是对语言材料的感知、领悟,具体地说,是对语言中词义、句子的理解,并上升为文意的准确把握。如何培养学生的语感,提高学生的阅读能力,准确理解作者的思想情感、立场观点,可以从以下几个方面入手。一、抓住重点词语反复揣摩揣摩词语的含义,特别是一些词语在具体的语境中的深层含义,是培养学生的语感,提高学生阅读能力的一个重要方面。语言的组合离不开词语,一部分词语在语言组合中的作用不可低估,准确而尽可能深刻地感知这一部分词语的表现力,不仅可以理解词句的意义,更可以把握作者的观点、态度,甚至成为解读整篇文意的一把钥匙。1、准确把握和辨析重点词语在文中的意思。一篇文章是由许许多多的词缀连而成的,因此在阅读时只要抓住这些词语,准确地理解它们在文中的意思,就能理解作者的情感和意图, The sense of language is the perception and comprehension of language materials. Specifically, it is an understanding of the meanings and sentences of words in the language, and it is an accurate grasp of the meaning of the language. How to cultivate students’ sense of language, improve students’ reading ability, and accurately understand the author’s thoughts, feelings, positions and opinions can be started from the following aspects. I. Grasp the meaning of key words and phrases repeatedly, and in particular the deep meaning of some words in a specific context is an important aspect of cultivating students’ sense of language and improving students’ reading ability. The combination of language can not be separated from words. The role of some words in the language combination cannot be underestimated. Accurate and profoundly perceive the expressiveness of this part of the word as possible, not only can understand the meaning of words and sentences, but also can grasp the author’s viewpoints and attitudes, even Become a key to interpret the entire text. 1. Accurately grasp and discern the meaning of key words in the text. An article is made up of a large number of affixes. Therefore, by reading these words and accurately understanding their meaning in the text, you can understand the author’s emotions and intentions.
〔本刊讯〕 2000年 8月 14—— 15日,云南省 1999年度档案优秀科研成果奖评审会暨 2000年度科研项目立项会在昆明召开。云南省档案科学技术委员会主任张应钦同志在会上讲了话,