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研究前一段时期的承包经营责任制,其主要办法是国有企业的主管单位和所有者部门,采取委派或招标等方式,选择一个经营者个人承包企业。经营者个人承包企业以后,按照合同要求和规定的权限,对企业生产经营个人全权负责与指挥,并享受高出职工平均收入若干倍的工资奖金报酬。这种承包方式的显著特点是一个发包机构、一个承包者、一次性承包、一条承包线(国家——企业),因而可以称之为“一段式”承包。实行“一段式”承包,赋予承包者个人以较大的责、权、利,对于理顺国家与企业关系,调动经营者的积极性,改变企业无人负责的状况,增强企业活力,提高经济效益,确实起了很大的积极作用。但是,目前这种个人承包的方式主要是把企业的振兴希望寄托在个人身上,过分强调“能人治厂”,忽视了广大职工的作用,因而在实践中也出现了 The main method for studying the responsibility system of contracted management in the previous period is the supervisory unit and the owner department of the state-owned enterprises, who chooses a manager’s individual contracting company by way of delegating or bidding. After individual contracting companies, the operators shall be responsible for and responsible for the individual production and management personnel of the company in accordance with the requirements of the contract and the stipulated authority, and shall enjoy wage bonuses that are several times higher than the average income of employees. The distinguishing feature of this type of contracting method is a contracting agency, a contractor, a one-time contractor, and a contractor (country-enterprise), so it can be called a “one-stage” contractor. The implementation of “one-stage” contracting gives the contractor an individual with a greater responsibility, authority, and benefit. It is necessary to straighten out the relationship between the state and the enterprise, mobilize the enthusiasm of the operators, change the situation in which the company is not responsible, enhance the vitality of enterprises, and increase economic efficiency. It did play a big positive role. However, the current method of individual contracting is mainly to place the hope of rejuvenation of enterprises on individuals, over-emphasizes “the ability to cure people”, and neglects the role of the majority of employees, and thus appears in practice.
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家庭是实施素质教育的重要阵地之一。然而,有些家长把家庭教育片面理解为开发孩子的智力,从而步入家教误区。那么,怎样做才能与学校的素质教育一致起来呢? 一、德育是家庭教
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