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近年来,在中国文学理论批评界,对当代西方文论进行批判性研究的一位主要贡献者当推张江。他对当代西方文论及其各种文艺思潮进行了独到的分析和阐释,直指当代西方文论的一些致命问题,提出了他的“强制阐释论”。所谓强制阐释就是指背离文本话语,消解文学指征,以前在的立场和模式,对文本和文学作出符合论者主观意图和结论的阐释。这些致命性问题给当代西方文论的有效性带来了严重伤害。本文认为,强制阐释论的提出一方面解构了当代西方文论的有效性神话;另一方面,在质疑其有效性的同时,又提出了自己的建构,即建构一种较为成熟的、系统的、有中国特色的中国文论话语体系。本文将梳理强制阐释论的要旨,批判性地指出其中可能存在的问题,试图分析该理论引发的相关讨论及其意义,并尝试概括张江所要建构的中国文论话语体系的特点。 In recent years, one of the major contributors to the critique of contemporary Western literary theory in the critical circles of Chinese literary theory has been Zhang Jiang. He made a unique analysis and interpretation of contemporary Western literary theory and various literary trends, pointing to some fatal issues in contemporary Western literary theory and proposing his “theory of forced interpretation.” The so-called mandatory interpretation refers to the deviations from the text discourse, digestion literary indications, the previous position and mode, the text and literature to make the interpretation of the subjective intent and conclusions accordant. These fatal issues have caused serious damage to the effectiveness of contemporary Western literary theory. This thesis argues that the theory of forced interpretative theory deconstructs the validity myth of contemporary western literary theory on the one hand and questions its validity at the same time it proposes its own construction of a more mature and systematic , Chinese discourse system with Chinese characteristics. This article will sort out the essence of the theory of mandatory interpretation, critically point out the possible problems, try to analyze the relevant discussions triggered by the theory and its significance, and try to summarize the characteristics of the Chinese literary discourse system that Zhang Jiang should construct.
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将两级离解常数均大于10~(-7),并离解常数之比Ka_1/Ka_2小于10~4倍的二元弱酸与强酸相混合时,推导出一个公式,并根据此公式提出各组分酸含量测定方法即标准曲线法. A formul
增效胺是天然除虫菊素与似除虫菊酯的一种增效剂,由于其明显的增效效果,因而有其广阔的发展前途。本文主要讨论改进增效胺合成路线对其产量、纯度及其反应条件的影响。 Boos
人类社会,正在从“工作主义”转向闲暇、消费主义。但是近年来,中国的知识密集型劳动者与社会发展的大趋势有所不同,与10年前相比,休闲时间减少,工作时间增加。 Human socie