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从上世纪九十年代初的老八股时代,到今天沪深两市1200多家上市公司的繁荣,中国股市经历了十几年的风风雨雨,伴随着几千万股民的喜怒哀乐。而今,证券市场显得格外萧条。全流通、股权分置等问题悬而未决,上市公司是否诚信?实际监管者是否缺位?这些问题不仅困扰着广大股民,也同样困扰着政府管理层。反映在市场上,就是利好消息不断,大盘依然低迷。中国的股市怎么了?中国股市路在何方?也许,在经历了十几年跌宕起伏之后,中国股市确实已经到了该总结一下的时侯了!调查显示,在投资中国股市的股民中,资金额1万-5万元和资金额5万-15万元的小股民分别占23.18%和36.94%,二者合计占投票总数44007票的60%以上;而15万元以上的投资者占39.89%。这些投资者自2001年下半年以来损失惨重,其中亏损50%以上高达调查总数的48.70%。这一普遍性的亏损现状,最终导致投资者艰难地选择了告别中国股市。在“如果有新资金,是否还会投入股市,以及入市多少”的调查中,74.99%的投资者选择了“再也不会投资股市”。(见下表)在调查中,有74.98%的投资者认为导致自己亏损的最大责任人是证监会。为什么会这样?这不能不令我们反思,到底是什么原因把证监会一次次地推到股市危机的风口浪尖。在“中国股市制度缺陷的根源在哪里”的调 From the old era of eight-share stock in the early nineties of the last century to the prosperity of more than 1,200 listed companies in Shanghai and Shenzhen today, the Chinese stock market has experienced ten years of ups and downs, accompanied by the emotions of tens of millions of investors. Today, the stock market is particularly depressed. Full circulation, split share and other issues remain outstanding, the listed company is honest? Whether the actual absence of regulators? These problems not only plagued the majority of shareholders, but also plagued government management. Reflected in the market, that is, good news continued, the market is still in the doldrums. China’s stock market what? Chinese stock market road? Perhaps, after more than a decade of ups and downs, the Chinese stock market has indeed reached the conclusion of the time! Survey shows that investors in the Chinese stock market investment, the amount of capital 10,000-50,000 yuan and small shareholders with 50,000-515,000 yuan account for 23.18% and 36.94% respectively, accounting for more than 60% of the total 44,007 votes; while those with an investment of more than 150,000 yuan account for 39.89% . These investors have suffered heavy losses since the second half of 2001, with losses of more than 50% up to 48.70% of the total number of investigations. This widespread loss situation eventually led investors to choose a farewell bid for China’s stock market. In the survey “If New Funds Are Available, Will It Enter the Stock Market and How Much Market Will Come?”, 74.99% of investors chose to “never invest in the stock market.” (See the table below) In the survey, 74.98% of the investors considered the biggest shareholder who caused their own losses to be the CSRC. Why does this happen? This can not but reflect on us. In the end, what is the reason for pushing the SFC again and again to the cusp of the stock market crisis? In “” the root causes of China’s stock market system defects where "tune
在策展过程中,将理论探讨渗入到策展的思路,不是为了艺术而策展,而是把对当代问题的讨论和理论研究作为展览的最终目的,这是身为美术馆体制内策展人开展展览工作要坚持的思路,与商业策展的利益驱动完全不同。  王春辰  中央美术学院美术馆学术部主任  采访时间/ 9月15日  采访方式/ 微信采访  近几年出现了很多张口闭口就谈学术策展的人,随手几篇展览的前言和后记、不加深思的冒然想法、可有可无的会议研讨,