2007中国人工智能学会智能检测与运动控制技术研讨会 「欢迎辞」

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在全国运动控制同行的积极支持下,第四届全国智能检测与运动控制技术会议,于2007年8月10-12在哈尔滨工业大学威海分校隆重召开了。这次会议由中国人工智能学会主办,哈尔滨工业大学威海分校、南京工业大学自动化学院、南京工业大学运动控制研究所、广州机械科学研究院检测与信息研究所、《机床与液压》和《伺服控制》杂志共同承办,参与学者和企业规模超过历届会议,在此,我谨代表大会组委会,对到会代表表示热烈的欢迎和承办单位表示诚挚的谢意! With the active support of the national counterparts in motion control, the 4th National Conference on Intelligent Detection and Motion Control Technology was held at Weihai Campus of Harbin Institute of Technology on August 10, 2007. The conference was sponsored by China Artificial Intelligence Society, Weihai Branch of Harbin Institute of Technology, Nanjing University of Technology, Nanjing University of Technology Institute of Motion Control, Institute of Motion Control, Guangzhou Institute of Machinery and Technology, “Machine Tool and Hydraulic” and “Servo Control ”Magazine co-host, participate in the scale of scholars and enterprises than the previous session, here, on behalf of the Organizing Committee, I would like to express my warm welcome to the delegates and the organizers to express my sincere thanks!
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