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蚕豆模式栽培是以良种为基础 ,根据土壤肥力来配肥设置密度 ,达到高产高效的数量化栽培方法。经过几年的模式栽培示范调查 ,蚕豆平均有效分枝为4~8个 ,单株结荚数12~20荚 ,单株实粒数18~26粒。且此数值随栽培密度和施肥数量呈规律性变化 ,合理调整各因素的数值 , Broad bean pattern cultivation is based on good seed, according to soil fertility to set the density of fertilizer, to achieve high yield and quantitative quantitative methods. After several years of model cultivation demonstration survey, the average effective branches of faba bean is 4 to 8, the number of pods per plant is 12 to 20 pods, and the number of single plantlets is 18 to 26. And this value with the planting density and the amount of fertilizer showed a regular change, a reasonable adjustment of the value of each factor,
崔岫闻凭着自己的决心和自立从一个淘气的学生成长为一名在国际上有名的女性视觉艺术家。 Cui Xiuwen with her own determination and independence from a naughty studen