Bursting oscillations in a hydro-turbine governing system with two time scales

来源 :Chinese Physics B | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ye14382163
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A fast-slow coupled model of the hydro-turbine governing system(HTGS)is established by introducing frequency disturbance in this paper.Based on the proposed model,the performances of two time scales for bursting oscillations in the HTGS are investigated and the effect of periodic excitation of frequency disturbance is analyzed by using the bifurcation diagrams,time waveforms and phase portraits.We find that stability and operational characteristics of the HTGS change with the value of system parameter k_d.Furthermore,the comparative analyses for the effect of the bursting oscillations on the system with different amplitudes of the periodic excitation a are carried out.Meanwhile,we obtain that the relative deviation of the mechanical torque mt rises with the increase of a.These methods and results of the study,combined with the performance of two time scales and the fast-slow coupled engineering model,provide some theoretical bases for investigating interesting physical phenomena of the engineering system. A fast-slow coupled model of the hydro-turbine governing system (HTGS) is established by introducing frequency disturbance in this paper. Based on the proposed model, the performances of two time scales for bursting oscillations in the HTGS are investigated and the effect of periodic excitation of frequency disturbance is analyzed by using the bifurcation diagrams, time waveforms and phase portraits. We find that stability and operational characteristics of the HTGS change with the value of system parameter k_d.Furthermore, the comparative analyzes for the effect of the bursting oscillations on the system with different amplitudes of the periodic excitation a are carried out .Meanwhile, we obtain that the relative deviation of the mechanical torque mt rises with the increase of a.These methods and results of the study, combined with the performance of two time scales and the fast-slow coupled engineering model, provide some theoretical bases for investigating interesting physical phenomena of the engineering system.
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