25%阿克泰水分散粒剂 防治梨木虱效果好

来源 :农村科学实验 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ouyang0502
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近几年,吉林省的梨树生产有了较快的发展,栽植面积超过3万多公顷,栽种梨树成为广大农民发家致富的支柱产业。但是,梨树生产上普遍存在着病虫防治不力的现象,最近几年中国梨木虱危害猖獗,它以若虫危害为主,若虫淹没于分泌的粘液中,药剂不易接触虫体,加之它一年发生3—4代,世代重叠,给防治造成困难,用现行农药一连多次也难奏效,筛选出高效内吸虫杀剂成为生产上迫切的需要,为此,我们进行了25%阿克泰水分散粒剂防治梨木虱试验。 In recent years, there has been a rapid development in the production of pear trees in Jilin Province, with an area of ​​more than 30,000 hectares planted and planting pear trees as the pillar industries for the vast number of peasants to make their fortunes. However, pest production is widespread with pest and disease control inefficiencies. In recent years, Chinese pear psylium has been endangered. It is mainly endangered to nymphs. Nymphs are submerged in secreted mucus and are not easily accessible to insects. In addition, Occurred 3-4 generations, generations overlap, to prevent the difficulties caused by the prevention and treatment with the existing pesticides repeatedly difficult to work, filter out the efficiency of the killing of insecticides to become an urgent need for production, for which we conducted a 25% Actel water Scattered granules against pear psylla test.
目的和方法 :采用玻璃微电极细胞外引导单位神经元放电的方法 ,观察电刺激兔腹中隔区 (VSA)时 ,视前区 -下丘脑前部 (POAH)温度敏感神经元放电频率的变化。结果 :电刺激腹中
精神病人健康教育是整体护理的重要组成部分 ,对促进疗效、缩短治疗周期、降低疾病复发率有重要作用[1] 。笔者对精神科病人进行了健康需求调查 ,以便了解其现有的精神病方面
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。西部东部是朋友@林红@孟庆云正请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not
目的 建立我国 15群 15型钩端螺旋体标准菌株染色体DNA脉冲场凝胶电泳图谱 ,进行致病性钩体的分子遗传学分类鉴定。方法 采用低熔点琼脂糖凝胶块直接纯化钩体菌完整的染色
小白兔和乌龟比赛跑乌龟远远落后了小白兔骄傲地哈哈笑躺在树下睡懒觉小乌龟不歇脚向着前方使劲跑等到白兔醒来时乌龟终点拍手笑(根据龟兔赛跑课文编写)小白兔 小乌龟@包以