以人为本 统筹兼顾 永远进取——米泉市地方税务局局长马如雄访谈录

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多年来,米泉市地税局以人为本,不断加大改革与管理力度,不断激发人的主动性和积极性,激发拼搏向上精神,干部职工精神面貌焕然一新,涌现出一批征管能手、计算机能手,税收工作一年一个新台阶,仅2003年该局组织税收收入完成年度计划的105.57%,被上级授予“先进领导班子”、“区级最佳办税服务厅”、“区级基层思想政治工作先进单位”、“基层建设先进单位”等称号。对此,我们专程果访了局长马如雄。笔者:人是生产力中最活跃的因素。大家都说米泉地税局的马局长把以人为本看作是事业成败的关键,请你谈谈这方面的情况?马局长:对于地方税务局,坚持以人为本,一方面是要为广大纳税人服务,另一方面是要提高队伍素质,为地税工作提供可靠保障。 Over the years, the local taxation bureau of Miquan City has been people-oriented. It has continuously increased its efforts in reform and management, constantly stimulating people’s initiative and enthusiasm, stimulating hardworking and enterprising spirit, and renewing the spirit of cadres and workers with the emergence of a number of experts in charge of administration, computer experts and taxation In 2003, the bureau organized tax revenue to complete 105.57% of the annual plan and was awarded “Advanced Leading Group”, “District Best Tax Service Office”, and “ Political work advanced unit ”, “ advanced unit of grass-roots construction ”and so on. In response, we paid a special visit to Secretary Ma Ruxiong. Author: Man is the most active factor in productivity. We all say that the director of the Bureau of Inland Revenue and Revenue, Mr MA, regards taking people as the basis for the success or failure of a business. Could you please talk about the situation in this area? Director Ma: As regards the local taxation bureau, we must adhere to the principle of “people first” and on the one hand serve the general taxpayers. On the one hand, it is necessary to improve the quality of the team and provide a reliable guarantee for the local taxation work.
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