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近年来浙江省早稻种植面积下降,粮价大幅度上升,群众对种植高产品种的要求越来越强烈。我省浙中、浙南地区,种植杂交早稻已尝到了高产的甜头,种出了高产水平。1994年浙南、浙中的杂交早稻表现突出,充分发挥了穗大粒多的优势,一般亩产比常规早稻增50公斤以上。目前各地都在准备种子,1995年将有较大推广面积,发展前景看好。一、杂交早稻的特点1.产量高根据1993—1994两年省区试结果,杂交早稻参试组 In recent years, the planting area of ​​early rice in Zhejiang Province has dropped while the grain price has risen sharply. The people’s demand for planting high-yielding varieties has become increasingly stronger. Zhejiang Province, southern Zhejiang, early hybrid rice cultivation has tasted the sweetness of high yield, planted a high yield level. In 1994, the hybrid early rice in southern Zhejiang and Zhejiang provinces showed outstanding performance, giving full play to the advantages of large grains and spikes, and the average yield per mu was 50 kilograms or more than that of conventional early rice. At present, seeds are being prepared all over the country. In 1995, there will be a large area for promotion and a good prospect for development. First, the characteristics of early hybrid rice 1. High yield According to the 1993-1994 two provinces test results, early hybrid rice test group