Calculating models of mass action concentrations for structural units or ion couples in RbCl-H_2O bi

来源 :Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xurikeji
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Thermodynamic models of calculating mass action concentrations for structural units or ion couples in RbCl-H2O binary and RbCl-RbNO3-H2O ternary strong electrolyte aqueous solutions were developed based on the ion and molecule coexistence theory at 298.15 K.A transformation coefficient is needed to compare the calculated mass action concentration and the reported activity because they are obtained at different standard states and concentration units.The results show that the transformation coefficients between the calculated mass action concentrations and the reported activities of the same structural units or ion couples in RbCl-H2O binary and RbCl-RbNO3-H2O ternary strong electrolyte aqueous solutions change in a very narrow range.The transformed mass action concentrations of structural units or ion couples in RbCl-H2O binary system are in good agreement with the reported activities. The transformed mass action concentrations of RbCl and RbNO3 in RbCl-RbNO3-H2O ternary solution are also in good agreement with the reported activities,aRbCl and 3RbNOa,with different total ionic strengths as 0.01,0.05,0.1,0.5,1.0,1.5,2.0,3.0 and 3.5 mol/kg,respectively.All those results mean the developed thermodynamic model of strong electrolyte aqueous solutions can reflect structural characteristics of RbCl-H2O binary and RbCl-RbNO3-H2O ternary strong electrolyte aqueous solutions and the mass action concentration also strictly follows the mass action law. Thermodynamic models of calculating mass action concentrations for structural units or couples in RbCl-H2O binary and RbCl-RbNO3-H2O ternary strong electrolyte aqueous solutions were developed based on ion and molecule coexistence theory at 298.15 KA transformation coefficient is needed to compare the calculated mass action concentration and the reported activity because they are show that the transformation coefficients between the calculated mass action concentrations and the reported activities of the same structural units or couples couples in RbCl-H2O binary and RbCl-RbNO3-H2O ternary strong electrolyte aqueous solutions change in a very narrow range. The transformed mass action concentrations of structural units or couples couples in RbCl-H2O binary system are in good agreement with the reported activities. The transformed mass action concentrations of RbCl and RbNO3 in RbCl-RbNO3-H2O ternary solution are a lso in good agreement with the reported activities, aRbCl and 3RbNOa, with different total ionic strengths as 0.01,0.05,0.1,0.5,1.0,1.5,2.0,3.0 and 3.5 mol / kg, respectively. All results for the developed thermodynamic model of strong electrolyte aqueous solutions can reflect structural characteristics of RbCl-H2O binary and RbCl-RbNO3-H2O ternary strong electrolyte aqueous solutions and the mass action concentration also strictly follows the mass action law.
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