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常言道:“凡事预则立,不预则废。”每学期初,为了保证学校各项工作的规范、有序、高效运作,学校都要制订科学、合理、务实的工作计划。学校工作计划是对学校即将开展工作的设想和安排,是学校发展的行动指南,关系着学校的长远发展,决定着学校的办学水平,影响着师生的共同成长。然而,许多学校在制订学校工作计划的过程中普遍存在着“四重四轻”的现象,即重应付完成任务,轻科学合理规划;重领导干部拍板,轻教职员工参与;重传统活动继承,轻特色活动创新; As the saying goes: “Everything preconceived, without prejudice.” At the beginning of each semester, in order to ensure the standard, orderly and efficient operation of all work in schools, schools should formulate a scientific, rational and pragmatic work plan. The school work plan is a plan and arrangement for the school to start its work soon. It is a guide for the development of the school. It is related to the long-term development of the school and determines the school’s standard of school, which affects the common development of teachers and students. However, in many schools, there is a common phenomenon of “four times, four times and four times” in the process of formulating a school work plan. That is to say, heavy tasks are to be dealt with responsibly and lightly and scientifically and rationally; leading cadres make decisions on the board and light faculty members participate; Inheritance, innovative activities of light characteristics;
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一、用活“隐含条件”:挖掘和用活隐含条件是解题的关键例1如图1,一带电粒子以初速度v0沿图中竖直平面内的直线从A到B过程中,粒子各种能量的变化情况如何? First, the use o
1月12日下午,第十届全国政协副主席、中国国土经济学会理事长张怀西出席中国科协在北京饭店举行的2011年全国学会新春联谊会,中国科协主席、全国人 On the afternoon of Jan
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如果试图追溯威特集团信息化的源头,那是徒劳的。威特的信息化并不是在一开始就有一个完整的规划。 It would be futile to try to trace the source of the Witt Group's i