For civil and defense needs, the planned space flight program requires major improvements in the technical aspects of the structural materials used for multiple use of the carrier; as much as 25% or more of the structural weight reduction compared with the space shuttle orbiter; Life expectancy may be increased fivefold or longer; the maximum temperature of the external surface to be further improved; keep low temperature liquid hydrogen, liquid oxygen for multiple use; greatly reduce costs and expenses; and as much as possible from the technical preparation to initial work time . In addition, there has been an increased interest in using hypersonic aspirated jet propulsion systems that require regeneratively cooled structures. These technical issues have posed a challenge to the structure and materials industry. In particular, many industrial companies and DoD agencies have not studied these issues for more than 15 years and the National Space Agency’s pilot research program has not received sufficient support. This article discusses the craft issues, briefly reviews the current state of the art, and the efforts required to meet the technical requirements.