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二、充分发挥地方各级人大及其常委会在保证宪法实施中的作用地方各级人大及其常委会贯彻十八届四中全会决定,发挥地方国家权力机关在保证宪法实施中的作用是今后相当长时期的任务。(一)明确地方各级人大及其常委会在保证宪法实施中的性质和任务如何理解地方各级人大及其常委会在宪法实施中的性质和任务,我认为应从以下方面入手。习近平总书记在首都各界纪念现行宪法公布施行30周年大会上的讲话中说,全国人大及其常委会和国 II. Give Full Scope to the Role of Local People’s Congresses at Various Levels and Their Standing Committees in Assuring the Implementation of the Constitution Local people’s congresses and their standing committees at all levels implement the decisions of the Fourth Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee and give play to the role of local state organs in guaranteeing the constitutional implementation in the future Quite long term task. (1) Clarifying the Nature and Tasks of the Local People’s Congresses at Various Levels and Their Standing Committees in Assuring the Implementation of the Constitution How to understand the nature and tasks of the NPC and its standing committees in the implementation of the Constitution at all levels, and I think we should proceed from the following aspects. In his address to the 30th anniversary of the announcement of the current constitution in all walks of life in the capital, General Secretary Xi Jinping said that the NPC and its standing committees and the country
1993年7月雅鲁河流域发生了一次较大的暴雨洪水,虽然出现的洪水量级不是十分突出,但由于其雨洪的特殊性,造成的灾害却十分巨大,因此对其分析,以供借鉴. In July 1993, a lar
1IntroductionThestructureandcompositionofthecontinentalcrusthavecriticalimportanceinourunderstandingofcrustalformationandevo... 1 IntroductionThestructureandcompositionofthecontinentalcrusthavecriticalimportanceinourunderstandingofcrustalformationandev
为改变过去不合理的化疗方案,以及疗程过长,管理不善而致不规则服药等情况,我们于1982年开始采用延边统一的9个月疗程的 SHR 方案。为确保化疗的成功,首先在全县组建了三级
喜欢看美剧的朋友们,应该听说过宫保鸡丁,它在美国早已有了约定俗成的说法:Kung Pao Chicken。  现在就先让我们通过美剧来看看宫保鸡丁在美国到底有多出名。下面就把部分出现了宫保鸡丁的美剧列举出来。  1.《老友记》 Friends  第一季第11集里Chandler的母亲在电视上说她喜欢吃kung pao chicken.  2.《丑女贝蒂》 Ugly Betty  第一季第3集Dan