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独立设置的成人高等教育院校具有地缘优势,所开设的特色应用型专业,注重职业技能的培养,提供社会需要的人才,形成具有不可替代性的、特色鲜明的成人高等教育体系。成人教育工作者通过加强对学员的职业心理研究,恰当地解决工学矛盾,可以直接有效地指导学员的学习和职业发展,为满足社会对不同水平人才的需求服务。学校对员工实行职业生涯规划管理,实行教师的职业专门化,形成有效的教育行政管理系统和适于成人教育特点的复合型、应用型的教师队伍。教师采用富有成效的教学方法开展教学,因材施教,提高学员的知识水平和职业能力,体现学校特色。 Independently-established adult institutions of higher education have the geographical advantage, the specialty of applied specialty, the cultivation of vocational skills, the provision of the talents needed by the society, and the formation of an irreplaceable distinctive adult higher education system. By educating students on occupational psychology, adult education workers can properly solve the contradiction between work and study, direct their learning and career development directly, and serve the needs of different levels of society. The school carries out career planning and management of staff, practicing professional occupation of teachers, forming an effective educational administrative management system and a composite and applied type teachers suitable for adult education. Teachers use effective teaching methods to carry out teaching, teach students in accordance with their aptitudes, improve the students’ knowledge and professional ability, reflect the characteristics of the school.
Inflammatory pseudotumor (IPT) of the liver is a rare, benign lesion that is characterized by proliferating fibrous tissue infiltrated by inflammatory cells. Th
2011年世界电信展ITUTELECOM WORLD2011于10月24日在瑞士日内瓦正式开幕。作为由国际电信联盟(ITU)主办、全球规格最高、规模最大也最具影响力的信息通信综合性峰会之一,其倍
Background/Aims General population studies have shown a strong association between alcohol intake and death from alcoholic cirrhosis, but whether this is a dose