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计划经济逐渐向市场经济过渡,这是一个带根本性的重大的体制变革,与其相适应的经济报道也随着变化而变化。由于市场机制引入到了整个经济工作、经济生活中,使我们现在的传统的新闻观念、思维模式、采访活动路线、新闻体制以及新闻的生产过程、传输方向,不得不发生一系列碰撞,构成了一种新的变革。根据市场经济报道的特点、地位和要求,大胆地矫正我们业已探索了多年的新闻改革,经济报道就能走向光明坦途。这当中,笔者认为要摆脱计划经济体制下经济报道思维模式的束缚,搞好市场经济报道,只要找到二者的契合点,就能如鱼得水,驾轻就熟。 唯物
We have evaluated the effects of intravitreal dobesilate, a synthetic fibroblast growth factor inhibitor, in patients with dry age-related macular degeneration,
一、印度新闻界状况 印度号称“新闻大国”,全国已登记注册的报纸有3万余家,期刊1万家,用92种民族文字出版,区域性较强,一般发行量都不大。每天出50个版的印度斯担时报是首
A novel antibacterial glass-ionomer cement has been developed. Compressive strength (CS) and S. mutans viability were used to evaluate the mechanical strength a
In the current study, in order to change the permeability of cell membrane and solve the problem of linked group of fungi mycelium, the method of adjusting osmo
The bare metal stent (BMS) used in the blood vessel caused the restenosis after the operation due to formation and proliferation of neointimal. Recently, as a m
We presented a cardiac work rate for one cycle cardiac based on the area of a Pressure Phase Plane, the velocity of activation and relaxation of the pressure cu