加强企检联手 推进反腐倡廉

来源 :武钢政工 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:oversky99
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几年来,武钢坚持把企检联手预防职务犯罪,查处违法违纪案件作为反腐倡廉的一件大事来抓,推动了武钢反腐败斗争的深入发展,为强化企业管理,提高经济效益,保证企业改革发展和生产经营的顺利进行作出了积极贡献。一、联手抓预防,着力规范企业党员干部的职务行为从武钢这几年反腐倡廉的实践看,广大党员干部的主流是好的。少数党员干部违法违纪案件的发生,法制观念淡薄,遵纪守法意识不强是一个重要原因。为此,我们从武钢实际出发,加大企检联手抓预防的力度,使广大党员干部普遍受到一次深刻的法制教育,遵纪守法意识明显增强。 Over the past few years, WISCO persisted in joint inspections with government agencies to prevent job-related crimes and investigate cases of violations of laws and discipline as a major issue in combating corruption and promoting clean government. It promoted the in-depth development of the anti-corruption struggle in WISCO and strengthened the management of enterprises so as to enhance economic efficiency and ensure the reform of enterprises Development and production and operation of the smooth progress made a positive contribution. I. Unite to Prevent and Try to Regulate the Position and Conduct of Party Members and Cadres In the past few years, in the practice of fighting corruption and advocating honesty in WISCO, the majority of Party members and cadres in the mainstream are good. A small number of party members and cadres cases of violations of law and order, the concept of weak legal system, law-abiding, law-abiding is an important reason. Therefore, starting from the actual situation of WISCO, we intensified efforts to jointly prevent and prevent enterprises from engaging in inspections, so that the majority of party members and cadres are generally subjected to a profound education in the legal system and their awareness of compliance with laws and regulations has been significantly enhanced.
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 江泽民同志关于“三个代表”的重要思想,是对我们党近 80年历史的新总结,是对我们党性质、宗旨和根本任务的新概括,是对马克思主义建党学说的新发展,也是新形势下对党建工作提