
来源 :中国寄生虫病防治杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:greathuhao
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痢疾阿米巴滋养体可随粪便排出体外,常用的生理盐水涂片法检查慢性病人粪便,只在含粘液血便中较易查到。至于不含粘液血便中有否痢疾阿米巴滋养体,滋养体在外界环境中的形态活力的情况,分离出的痢疾阿米巴滋养体的形态特征与其它非致病的阿米巴滋养体的区别等问题国内尚未见报道。我们用检出率较高的试管滤纸培养法检查慢性病人粪便中的滋养体,详细观察其分布、形态与活力的变化情况。一、内容与方法 (一)检查混有粘液和血而成形的粪便确诊为慢性痢疾阿米巴病人,排便在清洁的托盘上成各部分不相 Dysentery Amoeba trophozoites can be excreted with the feces, the commonly used saline smear method to check the excrement of chronic patients, only with mucus bloody stool easier to find. As for the absence of mucus bloody stool in the presence or absence of diarrhea Amoeba trophozoites, trophozoites in the external environment in the form of vitality, the separation of the morphological characteristics of Amoeba dysentery dysentery with other non-pathogenic amoebae trophozoites The difference between domestic and other issues have not been reported. We detected the trophozoites in the excrement of chronic patients with a high detection rate of tube filter paper culture and observed the changes in their distribution, morphology and vitality. First, the content and methods (A) check mixed with mucus and blood and the formation of stool diagnosed as chronic dysentery Amoeba patients, defecation into a clean tray into various parts of the phase
Host-hepatitis C virus(HCV) interactions have both informed fundamental concepts of viral replication and pathogenesis and provided novel insights into host cel
1  初到公司,叶青谦虚勤奋。农村出身的她,虽然上的是名牌大学,进的是合资公司,但骨子里的那种质朴、温和从未丢掉过,在波西米亚、嘻哈之族大行其道的当下,策划部里的老少同仁,更喜欢叶青这类清新、纯朴一些的女孩儿。  叶青刚上班,就遇到策划部里的重头戏——公司旗下筹办一个大卖场,装修招商都已结束,单等开业宣传方案。时间紧,任务重,策划部忙得不可开交,叶青作为新人,只能帮助同事打打文稿,复印材料,但她从
上图是商用冷冻冷藏系统控制图,此系统由冻结室蒸发器 A,冷藏室蒸发器 B,压缩机 C,冷凝器 D 及储液器 E 组成。制冷剂经 DX 型干燥过滤器及 SGI 型视液镜流到 TE 型膨胀阀。
Occult hepatitis B virus infection(OBI), characterized as the persistence of hepatitis B virus(HBV) surface antigen(HBs Ag) seronegativity and low viral load in