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尽管苏共败亡、苏联解体已近20年,但国内外学者对此问题的研究并没有因为时间的推移而减弱,反而是随着苏联档案的陆续解密,在不断拓展研究视角,提升研究深度。周尚文教授的《苏共执政模式研究》(上海人民出版社2010年8月版)一书是该领域研究的一部新著。详读全书,掩卷思考,发现该书视角新颖独特,逻辑结构严密,文献资料丰富,语言表述流畅,富有现实启示意义,是一本具有较高学术和实践价值的佳作。首先,本书以苏共执政模式为研究对象,在选题上具有鲜明的开拓性和独特性。应当说,苏共执政模式是20世纪社会主义历史上最为重要的政治现象之一。但是,根据相关研究综述可知,长期以来国内的研究大多集中在对斯大林模式的探索之上。不可否认,在对斯大林模式的探索中,有从执政规律的层面加以探究 Despite the collapse of the Soviet Communist Party and the disintegration of the Soviet Union for nearly 20 years, the study by domestic and foreign scholars on this issue has not been weakened over time. Instead, as the archives of the Soviet Union have been declassified, the research perspective has been continuously expanded to deepen the study. Professor Zhou Shangwen’s “Study of the CPSU Governance Model” (Shanghai People’s Publishing House, August 2010 edition) is a new book in this field. It is a masterpiece with a high academic and practical value. It is a masterpiece of high academic and practical value. It is characterized by its novel and unique perspective, its tight logical structure, rich documentation, its smooth language expression and its realistic enlightenment. First of all, this book takes the governing style of the CPSU as the research object and has a clear pioneering and unique character on the topics. It should be said that the CPSU’s governance model is one of the most important political phenomena in the history of socialism in the 20th century. However, based on the review of relevant studies, we can see that most of the domestic studies have long focused on the exploration of Stalin’s model. Admittedly, in the exploration of the Stalin model, it has been probed into the law of governance
自然保护区档案是指自然保护区在进行资源保护、科学研究、内部管理、基础设篱建设和多种经营等活动中形成的具有保存和利用价值的各种原始记录 ,它真实记载了自然保护区建区
一个学期熬过去了,小著终于盼来了梦寐以求的暑假。他终于可以专心致致地进修自己的必修课——网络了。那高兴劲就甭提了,一清早,大街 One semester has passed, and the s
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秋风挟着落叶急遁。冬天款款而来。 人们习惯把春看作一种美的开始,而把冬看作是一个残酷的结局。让我们放开眼光,打开心扉,真情实意地去感受冬天,体味冬天,我们的思想便会升华
1.__1st is New Year'sDay. 2.In__people talk the least,because it has only 28 days.(二月里人们谈话最少,因为二月只有28天。) 3.__8th is Women’s Day. 4.__1st is