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《新整体论》是孙慕天教授经过长期思考和准备的一个国际性合作项目 ,它立足于对人类整体性思想的梳理 ,创造性地发现和提出了潜蕴性这一重要范畴 ,由此建立起富有当代风格和学术典范的新整体论 ,代表国际上科学和哲学交叉研究在这一领域的最高水平。 1 999年 1 2月 4日适值世纪之交和孙慕天教授 60诞辰之际 ,50余位学者济济一堂 ,热烈探讨新整体论和新世纪科学与哲学的发展 ,其间有十几位学者作了精彩的报告和发言。与会者从多种角度探讨了新整体论的学术进路、理论定位、创造性贡献及对当代科学与哲学发展的影响 ,颇有启发性和理论深度。孙慕天教授还应与会者强烈要求即席发表了演讲 ,提出了“世纪之交哲学的二十大问题”,综罗百代、取精用宏、高瞻远瞩地点明当代哲学的突进方向及其获得重大发展的可能性。 (全文待刊 )以下六篇笔谈就是研讨会的部分发言材料 ,集中刊列于此以飨读者 ,并纪念。 “New Holism” is an international cooperative project after long-term thinking and preparation by Professor Sun Mutian. Based on the combing of the holistic human thoughts, this new holism theory creatively discovered and proposed the important category of hidden implication, The new holistic theory of contemporary style and academic models represents the highest level of interdisciplinary research in science and philosophy in the world. At the turn of the century at the turn of the century and at the 60th birthday of Professor Sun Mutian, more than 50 scholars gathered for a heated discussion on the new holism and the development of science and philosophy in the new century. During this period, more than a dozen scholars made wonderful Report and speak. The participants discussed the academic route, theoretical orientation, creative contribution and impact on the development of contemporary science and philosophy of the new holism from a variety of perspectives, which are quite enlightening and theoretical depth. At the same time, Professor Sun Mutian urged the participants to give a speech imposingly, put forward the “Top 20 Problems of Philosophy in the Turn of the Century”, summed up the 100th generation, concentrate on using macro, and point out the direction of the sudden development of contemporary philosophy and its significant development possibility. (Full text to be published) The following six written speeches are part of the seminar materials, focused on readers here, and  commemorate.
一    村里所有的茅厕都是这样:一口大瓦缸上面搁着两块木板。夏天臭气冲天不说,蚊子还会叮肿屁股,我每次蹲上去都提心吊胆,最终还是掉下去一次。  我小声哭着,费了很大劲才爬上来。全身臭哄哄的,妈妈肯定会把我赶出去。  我跳进离家不远的小溪里,任溪水冲洗我的身子。岸边草丛里传来阵阵蛙鸣,好像在喊:羞羞哦,掉进茅厕咯。  我湿淋淋地坐在大鹅卵石上,湿衣服贴在身上还隐隐散着臭气。一只螃蟹爬上来,转来转去
哲学基本问题之思维与存在的关系在近代认识论哲学中由于本原方面的对立 ,导致了认识中倚重一方轻视一方的倾向 ,终以反复论证的思维的主观能动性和存在的客观实在性的形态相
孔子是我国古代著名的政治家、思想家、教育家。孔子不仅在文化、教育领域有重要建树 ,而且在思想政治领域也独持己见 ,自成一家。在领导工作方面 ,孔子也提出了许多独特的见