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文化创意产业是一种知识高度密集、高附加值和高整合性的新兴产业形态,相对于其他产业形态,文化创意产业的一个重要特征是需要的自然资源不多,对基础设施和条件的依赖性也不是很强,具有可持续性、有利于保护生态环境等优点。因此,对于经济发展水平相对较低、基础设施比较落后,但文化资源十分丰富的赣南地区而言,在当前国家支持赣南等原中央苏区振兴发展时期,抓住机遇促进文化创意产业加快发展,形成新的经济增长点,对有效扩大内需、调整产业结构、提升整体经济的抗风险能力和促进经济健康可持续发展,具有十分重要的现实意义。发展文化创意产业的重要条件之一是资金。但目前赣州文化创意产业发展在很大程度上受制于资金的制约,投融资问题成为制约文化创意产业发展的瓶颈。 The cultural and creative industry is a new form of industry with a high degree of knowledge, high added value and high integration. Compared with other industrial forms, an important feature of the cultural and creative industries is the need of less natural resources and dependence on infrastructure and conditions Sex is not very strong, with sustainability, is conducive to the protection of ecological environment and so on. Therefore, in the southern part of Jiangxi Province, which has relatively low level of economic development and relatively backward infrastructure but rich cultural resources, at a time when the state supports the revitalization and development of the Central Soviet Area such as southern Jiangxi, it seizes the opportunity to accelerate the development of cultural and creative industries It is of great practical significance to form a new point of economic growth and effectively expand domestic demand, adjust the industrial structure, enhance the anti-risk capability of the economy as a whole, and promote the healthy and sustainable development of the economy. One of the important conditions for developing a cultural and creative industry is capital. However, the current development of cultural and creative industries in Ganzhou is largely subject to the constraints of funds, investment and financing issues have become the bottleneck restricting the development of cultural and creative industries.
讨论了脉冲宽度调制方式与帧速率调制方式应用在LCD driver(液晶显示驱动)中的优劣,探讨了混合使用两种算法的改进方案。结果表明混合使用脉冲宽度调制方式与帧速率调制方式,能够
[目的]以麦芽汁、火龙果、葡萄、菠萝组合的复合果汁,通过果酒酵母和异常维克汉姆酵母(Wickerhamomyces anomalus)混菌发酵得到一种具有红酒风味特征的复合果酒。[方法]以红
英国Biotech Institute Limited公司设计并生产了一种价值10万英镑的现代化、自动化肽和DNA合成仪.目前已销售给日本和印度的先进实验室.据报道,该仪器订货量使公司月出口销