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托马斯·德沃夏克 1972年出生于德国巴德克茨廷格,在巴伐利亚森林一个小镇(卡姆镇)长大。高中毕业后,也就是1991年,他开始在欧洲和中东地区行走并拍摄。他曾在西班牙阿维拉、捷克布拉格、俄罗斯莫斯科居住,并学习了西班牙语、捷克语和俄语。在拍摄了前南斯拉夫内战之后,1993到1998年他一直居住在格鲁吉亚首都第比利斯。在那里,他记录了在车臣、卡拉巴赫以及阿布哈兹发生的冲突和战乱。此期间,他还拍摄了一个大型项目,高加索地区和那里的居民。1999年,德沃夏克还报道了科索沃战争,并在同一年返回车臣。关于车臣战争及战后问题的报道。2000年德沃夏克成为玛格南提名摄影师,2004年成为正式成员。2001年美国“9·11”恐怖袭击发生后,德沃夏克在阿富汗呆了几个月,为《纽约客》(New Yorker)拍摄照片。此后十年里,德沃夏克大面积地报道了阿富汗、伊拉克、巴基斯坦发生的战争,及这些战争对美国政治产生的影响。他还报道了发生在车臣、斯里兰卡、尼日利亚、黎巴嫩、海地、乍得、中非共和国、埃塞俄比亚等国家的重要国际新闻事件,以及前苏联加盟共和国——格鲁吉亚、吉尔吉斯斯坦发生的革命,还有乌克兰和伊朗发生的战乱。这些作品主要在《时代》和《纽约客》杂志上发表。在战争题材之外,德沃夏克也接受各种不同的拍摄任务,政治活动、时尚摄料等,以锻炼拍摄技能,调节长期严肃的战争摄影所带来的心理压力和精神紧张。玛格南另一位摄影师拉里·托维尔(Larry Towell)曾如此评价托马斯·德沃夏克的作品:“他让我产生了很多联想,而不仅仅是照片本身呈现的画面。这些联想普通而熟悉,就像我曾在自家后院看到过一样。19世纪美国诗人卡尔·桑德堡(Cad Sandbefg)曾说过,诗歌就像一扇打开而又关上的门,留给人们无限的遐想和猜测。德沃夏克不是诗人,他的照片也不是诗歌,但他的照片却让我们既看到了真实.又留给我们无限的遐想。德沃夏克记录了发生在波斯尼亚、车臣、伊拉克、巴基斯坦、阿富汗、海地的人间惨剧。但他的心没有因此而变得冷酷和坚硬。因为,在政治博弈织就得巨大欺骗网中,他一直努力寻找普世真理的种子。门打开了,真相也就出现了:每一次仇恨引发的行动都会带来抵抗仇恨的行动,每一次暴力也会带来抵抗暴力的行动。这些照片提醒了我,一个摄影师可以通过在黑暗和噩梦时期寻求美好和希望,而拯救自己及周边的存在。今年6月,德沃夏克探访了战争摄影大师罗伯特·卡帕(Robert Capa.1913-1954)1954年在越南触雷身亡的地方,向他的前辈致敬。此番来到中国,德沃夏克计划到青岛拍摄,本刊就其摄影经历、摄影观点、第一次中国之行,及玛格南图片社的现状等问题专访了德沃夏克。 Born in Bad Kötztinger, Germany, in 1972, Thomas Dvorak grew up in a small town in the Bavarian Forest (Karm town). After graduating from high school, in 1991, he started walking and filming in Europe and the Middle East. He lived in Ávila, Spain, Prague, Czech Republic, Moscow, and studied Spanish, Czech and Russian. After photographing the civil war in the former Yugoslavia, he lived in Tbilisi, the capital of Georgia, from 1993 to 1998. There, he documented the conflicts and wars in Chechnya, Karabakh and Abkhazia. During this period, he also shot a large project, the Caucasus and its inhabitants. In 1999, Dvorak also reported on the Kosovo war and returned to Chechnya in the same year. Reports on Chechnya wars and post-war issues. In 2000 Dvorak became Magnum nominated photographer, became an official member in 2004. After the terrorist attacks on the United States in September 2001, Dvorak spent months in Afghanistan photographing the New Yorker. Over the ensuing decade, Dvorak reported extensively on the wars in Afghanistan, Iraq and Pakistan and on the impact of these wars on American politics. He also reported on major international news events in Chechnya, Sri Lanka, Nigeria, Lebanon, Haiti, Chad, the Central African Republic and Ethiopia, as well as the revolutions in the former Soviet republics of Georgia and Kyrgyzstan, as well as Ukraine and War in Iran. These works are mainly published in Times and New Yorker. In addition to the war themes, Dvorak also takes a variety of shooting tasks, political activities, fashion photography and so on, in order to exercise shooting skills, to adjust the long-term serious war photography brought about by psychological pressure and mental stress. One of Magnum’s other photographers, Larry Towell, commented on Thomas Dvorak’s work: ”He made me think of a lot of associations, not just pictures of the photos themselves Associated ordinary and familiar, as I have seen in my own backyard .19 century American poet Cad Sandbefg once said that poetry is like an open and closed door, leaving people unlimited Dvorak is not a poet, nor is his photograph a poem, but his photographs give us both the truth and the infinite reverie that Dvorak recorded in Chechnya, Chechnya , The tragedies in Iraq, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Haiti, but his heart did not become cold and hard, because he struggled to find the seeds of the universal truth in the great deception of the political game. And the truth is there: every act of hatred that leads to action against hatred, and every time violence brings about violence, these pictures remind me that a photographer can pass Darkness and nightmares, and to save themselves and their surroundings. In June Dvorak visited war captain Robert Capa (1913-1954) in 1954 and killed him in a strike in Vietnam Place to pay tribute to his predecessors.This time came to China, Dvorak plan to shoot in Qingdao, the magazine on its photographic experience, photography point of view, the first trip to China, and the status quo Magnum photo agency and other issues Interview with Dvorak.
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