
来源 :竹子研究汇刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:willzhang86
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本文对国产17属33种竹材中部表皮细胞进行了初步的比较观察。发现有许多在外部形态上十分相似,难以区分的竹种,而在竹材表皮细胞微形态特征上有很大的不同,不论是属与属之间或种与种之间在微观特征上都存在着不同的差异,属与属之间如:Pseudosasa 与 Pleioblastus;Clavinodum 与 Pleioblastus;Sasa、Sasa-morpha 与 Indocalamus;Schizostachum 与 Bambusa、Dendrocalamus。种与种之间如:Sasa nubigena、Sasamorpha Sinica 与 Indocalamus(Nakai);Phyllostachys angustta 与 Ph.virdi-glancens;Schizost-achyum fungh(?)mii 与 S.pseudolima 等。文中对上述属与属之间和种与种之间在表皮细胞微观结构上的差异都作了比较详细的描述。有些竹种的表皮细胞特征在文中没有描述,但在表格及图片中也能看到它们的不同。利用这一特点,可以把在营养体和宏观形态上相近似或不易区别的竹种,很方便的加以分开。这将对研究竹种分类和鉴定竹种工作有一定的参考价值。 In this paper, 33 species of 17 central bamboo epidermal cells from 17 genera were comparatively observed. Found that there are many species of bamboo that are similar and indistinguishable on the outside, while there are great differences in the micro-morphological characteristics of the epidermal cells of bamboo, whether in the micro-features between genera and species or between species Differences between genera and genera such as: Pseudosasa and Pleioblastus; Clavinodum and Pleioblastus; Sasa, Sasa-morpha and Indocalamus; Schizostachum and Bambusa, Dendrocalamus. Species and species such as: Sasa nubigena, Sasamorpha Sinica and Indocalamus (Nakai); Phyllostachys angustta and Ph.virdi-glancens; Schizost-achyum fungh (?) Mii and S. pseudolima and so on. The paper described in detail the differences in the microstructure of epidermal cells between genera and genus and between species and species mentioned above. Some bamboo species of epidermal cells are not described in the text, but they can also be seen in tables and pictures. Use of this feature, can be similar to the nutritional body and macroscopic morphology or not easy to distinguish bamboo species, it is easy to separate. This will be of some reference value for the study of bamboo species classification and identification of bamboo species work.
羽毛球 项目名次姓名国家/地区羽毛球男子l杨阳中国 团体熊国宝 赵剑华 吴文凯 郑显闽 李永波 田秉毅 黄展忠 2傅国强马来西亚 谢顺吉 苏明强 哈吉·西德克, 穆·贾拉尼 哈吉
Officials are increasingly working with their overseas counterparts to capture fugitive criminals As the number of Chinese criminal suspects fleeing abroad has
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本刊讯 深圳市西部港区扩建工程将投资 79亿元 ,重点建设蛇口港区二期、三期集装箱码头工程和赤湾 1 2、1 3号集装箱专用泊位工程等项目 ,扩建后的西部港区在“十五”期间有