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在225kghm?2施氮水平下,设置起身肥(SE,GS30)、拔节肥(JT,GS32)和孕穗肥(BT,GS41)3个追施氮肥处理(底追比1:1),研究了追肥时期对强筋小麦济南17和弱筋小麦鲁麦21籽粒HMW-GS积累和GMP粒度分布的影响。结果表明,两品种籽粒HMW-GS于花后14d均已形成,济南17籽粒HMW-GS和GMP含量均高于鲁麦21,说明强筋小麦具有较强的谷蛋白积累能力。济南17成熟期籽粒HMW-GS和GMP含量以SE处理最高,施氮时期后移其含量呈下降趋势。JT处理显著提高鲁麦21灌浆中后期HMW-GS的积累速度,延长HMW-GS的快速积累期。济南17SE处理和鲁麦21JT处理的籽粒x型亚基(1、4或5、7)在灌浆中后期的积累速率显著提高。追肥时期对y型亚基的积累速率无显著影响。追氮时期后移均提高两品种籽粒GMP小颗粒的(粒径<12μm)体积和表面积百分比,降低大颗粒(粒径>100μm)体积和表面积百分比。济南17粒径>12μm的GMP颗粒数目百分比因追氮时期后移而增加,鲁麦21粒径>12μm的GMP颗粒数目百分比则降低。含4+12亚基的强筋小麦济南17比含5+10亚基的弱筋小麦鲁麦21偏向于更高的大颗粒体积比例,说明亚基间的聚合和GMP颗粒的分布不仅与亚基类型有关,而且与单位面粉中亚基的含量密切相关。 Under nitrogen application rate of 225kghm? 2, top-dressing fertilizer (SE, GS30), jointing fertilizer (JT, GS32) and booting corn (BT, GS41) Effects of top dressing period on HMW-GS accumulation and GMP particle size distribution of strong gluten wheat Jinan 17 and weak gluten wheat Lumai 21. The results showed that HMW-GS of two cultivars was formed 14 days after flowering, HMW-GS and GMP contents of Jinan 17 were higher than that of Lumai 21, which indicated that gluten-resistant wheat had stronger gluten accumulation ability. The content of HMW-GS and GMP in grains at the maturity stage of Ji’nan 17 was the highest in SE treatment, while the content of HMW-GS and GMP in JI17 at maturity stage showed a downward trend. JT treatment significantly increased the accumulation of HMW-GS in middle and late stages of Lumai 21, and prolonged the rapid accumulation of HMW-GS. The accumulation rate of grain x-type subunits (1, 4 or 5, 7) in Jinan 17SE and Lumai 21JT during grain filling was significantly increased. No significant effect on the accumulation rate of y-subunit during the top dressing period. Both the volume and the surface area percentages of GMP small grains (<12μm) and the volume and surface area percentages of large grains (> 100μm) were both increased in the top-dressing stage. The percentage of GMP particles with particle size of> 12μm in Jinan increases with the time of nitrogen uptake, and the percentage of GMP particles with particle size> 12μm in Lumai 21 decreases. Strong gluten wheat with 4 + 12 subunits Jinan 17 Weak gluten wheat with a 5 + 10 subunit Lumai 21 tended to have a higher proportion of large particles, indicating that the polymerization between subunits and the distribution of GMP particles not only with the Asian Basis type, but also with the unit of flour in the subunit content is closely related.
塔迪奇案是前南斯拉夫国际刑事法庭(前南刑庭)审理的第一起案件。  1993年5月25日,在第827号决议中,安理会通过了《前南国际刑事法庭规约》(《前南规约》),并依此设立前南