
来源 :散文百家(新语文活页) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:junr
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象形文字来自于图画文字,是一种最原始的造字方法,图画性质减弱,象征性质增强。因为有些实体事物和抽象事物是画不出来的,它的局限性很大。埃及的象形文字、苏美尔文、古印度文以及中国的甲骨文,都是独立地从原始社会最简单的图画和花纹产生出来的。而这些文字又与所代表的东西,在形状上很相像。一般而言,象形文字是最早产生的文字。用文字的线条或笔画,把要表达物体的外形特征,具体地勾画出来。例如中国甲骨文的象形字“月”字像一弯月亮的形 Hieroglyphs come from pictorial texts. They are one of the most primitive methods of making characters. Their pictorial character is weakened and their symbolic character is enhanced. Because of some physical things and abstract things can not be drawn, its limitations are great. Egyptian hieroglyphics, Sumergwen, ancient Hindi, and Chinese Oracle are independently derived from the simplest primitives and patterns of primitive society. And these words and what they represent, is very similar in shape. In general, hieroglyphs are the earliest produced text. Use the words of the lines or strokes, to express the physical characteristics of objects, specifically outlined. For example, Chinese Oracle’s pictogram “Moon” is like a moon-shaped moon
Aim: To observe the serum androgen changes in patients with prostate cancer (PCa) before and after castration. Methods: Serum testosterone (T), free testosteron
Between June 4 and 5,six teams recommended by Chengdu’s international sister cities and friendly and cooperative cities—Phoenix,Honolulu,Louisville and San Fr
An annual language competition has become a unique opportunity forcontestants to discover friendship and opportunitiesEVERY summer,youngsters from all around th
我院自 1 984~ 2 0 0 0年 ,共收治 30例胃肠道恶性淋巴瘤患者 ,并进行了手术和化疗的治疗。经长期临床病理观察 ,其生存率为 3~ 1 6年 ,死亡 5例 ,至今 2 5例健在。现报告如下