FOCUS: Future of fecal calprotectin utility study in inflammatory bowel disease

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nihaobaobeisss
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AIM To evaluate the perspective of gastroenterologists regarding the impact of fecal calprotectin(FC) on the management of patients with inflammatory bowel disease(IBD).METHODS Patients with known IBD or symptoms suggestive of IBD for whom the physician identified that FC would be clinically useful were recruited. Physicians completed an online “pre survey” outlining their rationale for the test. After receipt of the test results, the physicians completed an online “post survey” to portray their perceived impact of the test result on patient management. Clinical outcomes for a subset of patients with follow-up data available beyond the completion of the “post survey” were collected and analyzed.RESULTS Of 373 test kits distributed, 290 were returned, resulting in 279 fully completed surveys. One hundred and ninety patients were known to have IBD; 147(77%) with Crohn’s Disease, 43(21%) Ulcerative Colitis and 5(2%) IBD unclassified. Indications for FC testing included: 90(32.2%) to differentiate a new diagnosis of IBD from Irritable Bowel Syndrome(IBS), 85(30.5%) to distinguish symptoms of IBS from IBD in those known to have IBD and 104(37.2%) as an objective measure of inflammation. FC levels resulted in a change in management 51.3%(143/279) of the time which included a significant reduction in the number of colonoscopies(118) performed(P < 0.001). Overall, 97.5%(272/279) of the time, the physicians found the test sufficiently useful that they would order it again in similar situations. Follow-up data was available for 172 patients with further support for the clinical utility of FC provided.CONCLUSION The FC test effected a change in management 51.3% of the time and receipt of the result was associated with a reduction in the number of colonoscopies performed. AIM To evaluate the perspective of gastroenterologists regarding the impact of fecal calprotectin (FC) on the management of patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). METHODS Patients with known IBD or symptoms suggestive of IBD for whom the physician identified that FC would be clinically useful Physicians completed an online “pre survey ” outlining their rationale for the test. After receipt of the test results, the physicians completed an online “post survey ” to portray their perceived impact of the test result on patient management . Clinical outcomes for a subset of patients with follow-up data available beyond the completion of the “post survey” were collected and analyzed. RESULTS Of 373 test kits distributed, 290 were returned, resulting in 279 fully completed surveys. One hundred Indications for FC testing included: 90 (32.2%) to ninety patients were known to have IBD; 147 (77%) with Crohn’s Disease, 43 (21%) Ulcerative Colitis and 5 Differentiate a new diagnosis of IBD from Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), 85 (30.5%) to distinguish symptoms of IBS from IBD in those known to have IBD and 104 (37.2%) as an objective measure of inflammation. change in management 51.3% (143/279) of the time which included a significant reduction in the number of colonoscopies (118) performed (P <0.001). Overall, 97.5% (272/279) of the time, the physicians found the test deemed useful that they would order it again in similar situations. Follow-up data was available for 172 patients with further support for the clinical utility of FC provided. CONCLUSION The FC test effected a change in management 51.3% of the time and receipt of the result was associated with a reduction in the number of colonoscopies performed.
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