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现代复方口服避孕药是一种雌激素与第三代的高效孕激素的复合制剂,除了可靠的避孕效果和安全性能外,因其相当于特殊的雌孕激素联合用药,雌激素有抗雄激素效用,同时还可以通过抑制下丘脑-垂体-卵巢轴的功能间接抑制泡膜细胞合成睾酮,使体内雄激素水平降低,因此可被用于治疗和预防多种妇科疾病,如功能性子宫出血、多囊卵巢综合征、子宫内膜增生及息肉;缓解痛经、雌激素缺乏所引起的不适;预防盆腔炎、异位妊娠、卵巢癌和单纯雌激素补充所致的子宫内膜癌等。外围的效用还有改善皮肤、保持体质量的作用。本文对现代口服避孕药在非避孕效果方面的应用做一综述。 Modern compound oral contraceptives is a combination of estrogen and the third generation of highly effective progesterone, in addition to reliable contraceptive effect and safety performance, because it is equivalent to a combination of special estrogen and progesterone, estrogen and anti-androgen It can also inhibit the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis function indirectly inhibit the synthesis of testosterone in the membrane cells, so that the level of androgen in the body can be reduced, it can be used to treat and prevent a variety of gynecological diseases, such as functional uterine bleeding, Polycystic ovary syndrome, endometrial hyperplasia and polyps; relieve dysmenorrhea, estrogen deficiency caused by discomfort; prevention of pelvic inflammatory disease, ectopic pregnancy, ovarian cancer and estrogen-induced endometrial cancer and so on. Peripheral effects also improve the skin, to maintain the role of body mass. This article reviews the application of modern oral contraceptives in non-contraceptive effects.
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