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纵观历史,横看世界,大凡在科学、文化上取得重大成就的人,总是同他们潜心读书、精细笔记分不开。清初著名学者顾炎武的《日知录》可谓大型读书笔记。伟大导师列宁的《哲学笔记》就是现代世界读书笔记中的精英。当今中国神话研究专家袁珂的六十万字著作《中国神话传说》是在大量读书笔记的基础上“用艺术的炉火与匠心,熔铸它成为结晶的整体”的。 Throughout history, looking at the world, most people who make great achievements in science and culture always keep a close eye on their studies with fine notes. Gu Yanwu, a famous scholar of the early Qing Dynasty, was known as a large-scale study note. Lenin's “Philosophical Notes”, the great mentor, is the elite in the study notes of the modern world. Today's Chinese mythological expert Yuan Ke's 600,000-word book “Chinese Myths and Legends” is based on a large number of reading notes, “using the art of fire and ingenuity, casting it into a crystalline whole.”
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Objective.Norovirus(NV) is an etiologic agent of outstanding importance that can cause severe epidemic gastroenteritis in day-care centers,schools,nursing homes
雨水太多,让英国人出行不便,使他们缺少了阳光的抚慰,在我看来,那里的雨任性而缠绵,似乎染上了英国人的性格。 Too much rain, so that the British people travel inconven
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Recently China’s fourth biggest petroleum group Shaanxi Yanchang Petroleum(Group) Co Ltd announced its plan of building three refining andchemical projects in