
来源 :中国科学基金 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:robotech
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国家自然科学基金委员会监督委员会从1998年成立以来,遵循最佳实践原则,不断加强科研诚信建设,逐步形成了教育制度监督和惩治并重的科研诚信建设体系,特别是一直把查处科学基金资助过程中科研不端行为作为维护科学道德的重要手段,这方面监督委员会积累了近20年的经验,由于其卓尔不群的工作受到了同行的赞扬、国际社会的关注和科学家的赞誉。我们感谢陈宜瑜主任和监督委员会全体同志为维护科研诚信所付出的辛勤努力。近期,监督委员会通报科学基金资助过程中一些科研不端典型案例,这些案例的处理彰显我委维护科研诚信的决心,这次开展国家自然科学基金委员会科学道德建设宣传活动,旨在加强信息沟通,促进维护科研诚信的交流互动,与科技界同仁和媒体朋友共建良好学术生态。维护科研诚信对基础研究发展至关重要,科研 Since its establishment in 1998, the NSFC Supervisory Committee has followed the principle of best practice and continuously strengthened the construction of good faith in scientific research. Gradually, it has formed a system for the integrity of scientific research in which the education system is supervised and punished. In particular, Scientific misconduct as an important means of safeguarding scientific ethics, the supervisory committee has accumulated nearly 20 years of experience in this field. Due to its outstanding work, it has been praised by peers, the concern of the international community and the praise of scientists. We thank all the comrades, Chen Yiyu and the Supervisory Commission, for their hard work in maintaining the integrity of scientific research. Recently, the Supervisory Committee informed some typical scientific research misconduct cases funded by the Science Fund. The handling of these cases demonstrated our determination to uphold the integrity of scientific research. This time, the National Natural Science Foundation of China conducted a publicity campaign on scientific ethics with the aim of strengthening information communication, Promote the exchange and interaction of scientific research integrity, and establish good academic ecology with colleagues and media friends in science and technology sector. Maintaining scientific research integrity is essential to the development of basic research and scientific research
本项目位于无锡城南传统街区“水弄堂”地段,整个设计力求将文化融入室内设计之中,在诠释携带的历史信息外也传承了人文本质,延续了中国传统文化。 The project is located
在吴家老师家附近,有一片花花绿绿的草坪,里面种红花草,每年的这个季节正是红花草开花的时候。 本文为全文原貌 未安装PDF浏览器用户请先下载安装 原版全文
1 Background of the Project Tieling is emerging as part of the Bohai Sea business circle ring of Northeastern Asia. The city will be become the secondary busine