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回顾了金属茂催化烯烃聚合技术在高分子合成领域取得的重大进展和乙丙橡胶生产技术进步情况。新一代聚烯烃塑料和弹性体正在冲击传统合成橡胶市场,把合成橡胶界的大公司卷进新技术开发大潮。看来,廿一世纪的合成橡胶将主要由高效率低污染的气相聚合来生产;我国合成橡胶工业技术同世界先进水平的差距将进一步扩大。我国引进传统合成橡胶生产技术和装置宜慎重。从中长期看,苯乙烯-丁二烯共聚物同PVC和EPDM比较,更容易被新一代聚烯烃取代[27]。TPEs专业生产公司AES的发言人称,尽管金属茂催化技术将生产出比现在的共混材料更均匀的TPEs,但是它们不可能完全代替目前的聚烯烃类TPEs,因为它们达不到130℃或135℃的耐热性和现有TPEs的耐油性和耐压缩永久变形性;因此只能作为一种弹性体相用以增强TPEs的性能[28]。北美TPEs价格趋升,如聚烯烃类TPEs的平均价格已从1985年的3.06美元/公斤升至1994年4.034美元/公斤,预计2000年将升至4.828美元/公斤。综上所述,新一代聚烯烃正在冲击传统合成橡胶市场;但由于世界合成橡胶总需求在近期将大于总供给,这种冲击到廿一世纪才会变得比较明显;所以,这一领域的大公司都抓? The major progress made in the field of polymer synthesis in the metallocene-catalyzed olefin polymerization technology and the progress in the production technology of ethylene-propylene-butadiene rubber are reviewed. The new generation of polyolefin plastics and elastomers is impacting the traditional synthetic rubber market, bringing large companies in the synthetic rubber industry into the tide of new technology development. It seems that the 21st century synthetic rubber will be mainly produced by high-efficiency and low-pollution gas phase polymerization; the gap between China’s synthetic rubber industry technology and the world advanced level will further widen. China’s introduction of traditional synthetic rubber production technology and equipment should be cautious. In the medium to long term, styrene-butadiene copolymers are more easily replaced by new generation polyolefins than PVC and EPDM [27]. A spokesperson for AES, a professional manufacturer of TPEs, said that although metallocene catalyst technology will produce more uniform TPEs than current blended materials, they cannot completely replace current polyolefin-based TPEs because they do not reach 130°C or 135°C. The heat resistance of °C and the oil resistance and compression set resistance of existing TPEs can therefore only be used as an elastomeric phase to enhance the performance of TPEs [28]. The price of North American TPEs has risen. For example, the average price of polyolefin-based TPEs has increased from 3.06 USD/kg in 1985 to 4.045 USD/kg in 1994, and is expected to rise to 4.828 USD/kg in 2000. In summary, a new generation of polyolefins is impacting the traditional synthetic rubber market; but since the total demand for synthetic rubber in the world will be greater than the total supply in the near future, this impact will not become apparent until the 21st century; therefore, this area Big companies are caught?
顺应当今国际肥料发展方向,发展有机、无机和微生物肥料配合的生物复合肥,是提高我国化肥利用率和肥效的有效的唯一的措施. To comply with today’s development direction
如果把人生比喻成一条路,而生命就是行走的脚步。  从出生时的第一声啼哭,到跚跚学步,到独立生活,生命的脚步似乎永远急匆匆。从自己还是个孩子,到看到自己孩子出生的过程中,我们爱的人老了,爱我们的人也老了。在不知不觉中,时光飞逝,转眼沧海桑田。  年少时盼长大,年轻时重名利,我们把生命无偿交给了忙忙碌碌,等终于发觉属于自己的时间已经不多时,才陡然惊觉,匆忙的一生中,我们很少给自己放慢脚步的时间,有很多
本文讨论了IEEE标准1149.1的现状,祝贺标准取得的成功,希望进一步开发边界扫描测试技术,并对各有关公司为实现标准所做的工作进行了评价。 1993和1994年 国际测试会议确认IE
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