他,是拍鸟达人,也是世界上最棒的自然摄影师之一。1985年,他出生在匈牙利。自2000年第一次入围匈牙利年度野生动物摄影师少年组后,他便以不可阻挡之势横扫自然摄影界各大国际奖项,成为赛场上的常胜王。其中,最厉害的奖项当属由伦敦自然史博物馆和BBC颁发的年度野生生物摄影师(Wildlife Photographer of the Year,WPY)。如果一个摄影师可以入围,已经非常成功,而他17岁获得少年组冠军,25岁就拿到成年组冠军。截至目前,他是获得WPY单项第一或年度冠军次数最多,也是入选WPY年度精选册图片数量最多的人。
He is a birdwatcher and one of the best natural photographers in the world. He was born in Hungary in 1985. Since his first nomination for the Hungarian Wildlife Photographer Youngsters Group in 2000, he has swept over the major international awards in the nature photography world for being unstoppable and has become the vanguard of the field. Among them, the most outstanding awards belong to the annual Wildlife Photographer of the Year (WPY) by the Museum of Natural History in London and the BBC. If a photographer can short-listed, has been very successful, and he won the juvenile group champion 17 years old, 25 years old to get the adult champion. Up to now, he is the first person to receive WPY singles or the highest number of championships, and is also the WPY selected the largest number of albums of the year.