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在经历了前段时期“非典”高峰之后,一些购房者开始调整自已选择二手房的标准,价格因素已退为次要因素,取而代之的是希望社区绿化面积大一点、采光通风好一点、物业配套全一点。总之住房能对身体健康有更大的保障,以预防、减少疾病的发生。据专业人士介绍,购房者从自身健康的角度来挑选二手房应从以下几方面入手考察: 社区基本状况二手房所在的社区规模不能太大,要比较适中,选择的社区人口居住密度要小,楼间距离要大,绿化面积也要大,树木要多,这样可以让你居住在一个清幽的环境中。而一些年代较久远的房子,往往受当时条件、环境的限制,很难有新建小区这样规模的绿化,所以目前次新二手房再次成为购房者追宠的对象。房屋基本状况首选要看房型和楼层,南北贯通的板楼是首选,这种房型采光和通风都很好。如果是塔楼,就应该多加注意通风和采光条件是否理想。楼层的选择主要依据不同的个体情况而定,如果家有老人,当然选择较低的楼层,而年轻人常选择较高的楼层。 After experiencing the peak of “SARS” in the preceding period, some homebuyers began to adjust their own standards for selecting second-hand housing. The price factor has been retreated to a secondary factor. Instead, they hope that the green area of ​​the community will be larger, the lighting and ventilation will be better, and the property Supporting a little. In short, housing can have greater health protection, to prevent and reduce the incidence of the disease. According to professionals, buyers from their own health point of view to select second-hand housing should be investigated from the following aspects: The basic situation of second-hand housing community where the size of the community can not be too large, to be more moderate, select the community population density is smaller, floor Between the distance to be large, green area should be large, more trees, so you can live in a quiet environment. Some older houses, often subject to conditions, environmental constraints, it is difficult to have such a large green area of ​​the new district, so the current second-hand second-hand housing buyers once again become pet objects. Housing basic conditions preferred to see the room type and floor, North-South through the board is preferred, this room type lighting and ventilation are good. In the case of towers, care should be taken to ensure that ventilation and lighting conditions are satisfactory. Floor choice mainly depends on the individual circumstances may be, if there are elderly people, of course, choose a lower floor, and young people often choose a higher floor.
材料:中型蹄髈1个(约750克)、葱2根、姜2片、八角4粒、芥蓝菜150克调味料:(1)酱油1/2杯、水淀粉少许; (2)酱油4大匙、冰糖3大匙、酒1大匙、盐1/2茶匙、清水5杯; (3)酒1大匙
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